Candle of memory

The Dorothy Dunnett Readers Association (of which I am a semi active sort of chapter member) is frequently hosted by my friend Janet. It is my sorrowful duty to report that her mother Millie, with whom I have had a number of entertaining chats, succumbed to heart failure during breast cancer treatment.  She was an awesome old lady and will be much missed by her large family and circle of friends.  I was talking to her not two months ago.

Love each other while you can.


Last night I dreamed that I, my cousin and an unknown accomplice used a passkey to get into a stylish penthouse where we stole …shoes….  why shoes? What about jewellery and money?  I am a lousy thief even in my dreams.  Then she came home and was…. suspicious of these chattering women on her private stairs and like a moron I said, “We were up on the roof garden” and I ditched my bag of incriminating evidence – at the very last minute I had decided to huck some Capezios into my bag – and promptly locked myself in an extremely cold, dank, dark and disgusting room.  The end.

Tonight I’m off to get fed by the Luddite, tomorrow, Tom and Peggy will be feeding me, what bliss.  I like it when the major meal for the next two days is looked after.

You would never be able to tell Katie cleaned my apartment on Monday.  I am a bad, bad puppy. So until I’m off for dinner, it’s cleanin’ time.

Meditations on the bringing of a drug to market

In the marvellous Dorothy Dunnett novel King Hereafter there are a number of set pieces during which our heroine, the radiant, ravishing, self-willed Groa (Ingebjorg) is given an opportunity to participate in the councils of the great.  The men will sit around after supper talking, and drinking, but in moderation and in consideration of their dignity, and will say unbelievably cryptic things and then pause and look at each other like something out of a fricking Ingmar Berman movie.  Our heroine will learn that it behooves one to only have the best information to share with the menfolks or stay silent.

At one point, one of the menfolks says something, and there’s a pause, and somebody else says, “Is that a good thing?” and the response of the king is to say “It’s an interesting thing,” and then there’s another one of these massive, borborygmic pauses.

Such is my emotion on learning that there’s this thing on the internet (from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (2008, January 9)). Reversal Of Alzheimer’s Symptoms Within Minutes In Human Study. about immediate amelioration of Alzheimer symptoms – on one person!  One person?  Is it a good thing?  Possibly.  It’s an interesting thing, and that’s because we all imagine our deaths, and spending 10 or 15 years cuckoo and non-participatory and wacky-tacka aforehand is not how most of us want to go, however often and with however much fear we may foresee it.  Supposing this stuff works?  They jam some stuff in your cerebrospinal fluid, and it either hoovers up the bad crap that is preventing your brain from working properly and actually spits it out in a format that your body’s clean up crew can deal with, or it kicks it out of where it’s binding to, or does something else I can’t imagine or describe.  Further suppose they figure out a way of getting it into you that doesn’t involve making holes in your spine, always a task fraught with hazard.  Interestingly enough it’s an offlabel use of an existing drug, etanercept.  Man, there are so many offlabel uses for so many drugs.  Some of them are downright criminal and ought to be dealt with summarily, but others should receive placid encouragement.  Is this application of etanercept such a case, or is it just another bunch of goddamned carnies with a stake in the outcome beating on the side of a barrel?  Time will tell.
Oh, and I watched the first 2/3rds of Hot Fuzz tonight.  I couldn’t stand to watch all of it, as the first part of the movie was delightful, and the last third of carnage was not…. at least to my view.  I’m dreffle tired of 25 minute shootouts, although I really liked the shootout in 3:10 to Yuma.

eat drink man woman

SO I went to Maria’s restaurant on Denman last night with two coworkers and did NOTHING except talk about work.  The food was fabulous, the service was a little…. I dunno. She kinda flung stuff on the table in a remarkably inelegant fashion.

Now it’s time to go to work and talk about…. the restaurant?  Life is so recursive, and passing odd.  Thanks for the link Lady Miss B ’cause it was very funny.

More cleanup

Katie said to me on Monday, “There was something in your fridge I couldn’t identify.”

I said, “Was it green?”

“Yeah. I think it used to be a vegetable.”

“It was a cucumber – the beginning of October.”

Hysterical laughter.

I am trying to practice thankfulness.  Today’s thank…. Hot shower.  Oh, oh, the beauty of a hot shower.


Mike, may he be praised and adored, has brought over a massage table.  Katie took pictures of my face ‘anging through the ‘ole.  She is still here, wonderfully enough, and we’re noshing on leftover pizza and fried rice I just made and there are two pieces of dynamite sushi left.

Sorry, must go – my country needs me.