window cleaning

I cleaned windows, got a pizza for the other folks in the house, cleaned the downstairs mirrors, and will probably have to clean the outside windows again as they were pretty filthy and some of them needed to be scraped down.  However things look a lot better and the gunk where cat noses had been is gone.

Katie experienced the unholy anger and disappointment that comes when your manager doesn’t tell you something and your grandboss finds out and then your manager, in front of you, tells the grandboss that you WERE told.  And leaves you to hang out to dry.

Katie is looking very hard for another job.  I think she shouldn’t have a problem finding one.  She’s decided she wants to go back to working for a privately owned business as she’s finding working at a chain pretty soul deadening.

Off to work….

Course today

I tried to find a way of conveying how much happier I am to be going on course today as opposed to going to work but the only analogy I could think of was both so violent and so vulgar that I decided not to sear my ma’s eyeballs with it.

My apartment is a sty because I’m never here when I’m not exhausted…. I detailed the laundry machines and cleaned the rug in Dr. Filk’s old bedroom last night. Also saw Katie back at the Augur Inn as she did laundry and tried to figure out what of her stuff is going with her over to Suzanne’s. Dax has moved out.

I have picked up Tom and Peggy’s housewarming present, with thanks and love. It is two little rosemary plants to replace the monster rosemary my mum planted by the front door of the Augur Inn. The rhodo is in full bloom in front of the old place… another thing I will miss. Next up at the Augur Inn. Windows, downstairs. Dan T. is also working flat out on the house which is great.

Keith was nowhere in evidence at the Augur Inn last night and much missed. He loaned me Jeff’s copy of Master and Commander so I will now start a Patrick O’Brian jag.

From Stan Goff’s blog

No one enjoys writing cover letters to prospective employers, so out of the kindness of my heart I decided to make one for all of you, to serve as a template. I hope you find this useful:

Dear Potential Employer,

I was recently made aware of an opening for XXXXX position at your company. I want you to know that I am exceedingly passionate (to the point of sexual arousal) about the opportunity to work for you, especially as the systematic destruction of the wild buffalo and fish stocks and the enclosure of once-communal land by White colonizers of this great country has made my preferred hunter-gatherer lifestyle untenable, and left me with wage slavery as the only option. But believe me, I am damn passionate and driven when it comes to this, my only option for subsistence.

A glance at my resume will reveal my eminent qualification for this position; you will see I possess the necessary skill-set. But most importantly, many years of mind-numbing, individuality-suffocating industrial education have shaped me into the subservient, unquestioning sycophant your company desires. I will perform services for you that I wouldn’t perform for even my most intimate lover, and with all the conspicuous enthusiasm I can muster. I will produce my best ideas for you to steal, and watch without complaint as the sweat of my labor is transformed into your BoTox treatments and a Mercedes for your sixteen-year-old. I am a perfect model of what The System is designed to produce, and as such, my obsequiousness knows no bounds.

Thank you for your consideration. I mean, please please please hire me. Did I mention how incredibly @&%$-ing passionate I am?


Your name here
Etc. etc.

cluelessness continues

I stood Tom and Peggy up last night.  I can’t seem to walk and chew gum at the same time these days (and during the day I am dealing with the miilitary industrial complex, which is adding new richness and depth to my panicky moments).

Anyway I apologized and offered them tea over at the Augur Inn, got the first draft of the separation agreement into print and Paul drove me home.

The computer just needed to have its battery popped back out and in.  Thanks Lexi for helping the tech support happen.  

I hope today is better. 


what a day, what a day….

Lexi has agreed to drive me around while I deal with my laptop meshuggas, and then I’m supposed to go back to the Augur Inn and work on the separation agreement, or so sez Paul, and frankly it is a good idea.  Most of the items were no dispute (like we’re splitting the house, and the few sticks of furniture caused no issues) but some of the other stuff is really chewing on the ol’ goolies.

I have now received no fewer than three emails advising me to go after Paul’s company pension and CPP. Oh, and the lawyer was quite firm on the subject; she told me I was daft if I didn’t.  Like sheesh.  I have no idea how I’m supposed to handle that; part of me is thinking “You Will Die in Poverty” if I don’t, and part of me is saying, “Why bother?”. 

However, my spidey sense says don’t.  I have no idea why, but the message is very clear.  I will have to draft something very tricksie to avoid giving up my rights without actively pursuing them.  What I really need to know is if there’s a statute of limitations on when I can enforce my dwindling rights; that of course requires me to cough up a large retainer if I want that kind of answer.  It’s a puzzler.

Work does unspeakable things to long dead bears.

Tammy SAID I’d be accident prone

So it is with no surprise that I report that I sliced myself a good one this morning (on my numb toe, oF COURSE, so I didn’t feel a thing) and bled like a good thing all over everything (although only one spot fell on the carpet, thank heavens).  Also, when I went to show off my laptop last night to Paul – the screen died.  It had been working fine that morning, and then, nothing. 

So…. I went looking for my receipt and do you suppose I could find it?  Of course I did register a three year extended warranty so I’m not going to have any trouble swapping it out, but it wasn’t what I had planned this evening.

Cleaned some more at the Augur Inn last night and gave back the motorcycle helmet I inadvertently walked off with when Paul drove me back.

Patricia has invited me for drinkies at her place on Friday.  I will be seeing Brother Jerome’s mum Gail on Saturday; she just moved to town and I don’t think there’s a lot of women her age (or  reasonably close thereto) for her to hang around with so she’s coming over for tea.

With all the excitement, I suddenly remembered where I’d left the Tarot cards.  First three cards on the Celtic Cross….. Judgment.  Justice.  Strength.  I’ve never had three major arcana come up like that, I just about fell over.  But I have to say that money appeared nowhere in the reading, and I must admit it troubles me.  Although I supposed I should be happy that both the 5 of cups and the 8 of swords are now behind and below me…..

Things didn’t happen

Well, I didn’t get to go to the Railway Club, and Lexi didn’t come over (she wuz feeling porely) but excellent things did happen to me this past weekend, including a FABULOUS meal at Dosa Garden. And a spit at the Boathouse. Verra nice. Got to mention the Vorkosigan filks to Jo Beverley, who’s pals with Lois McMaster Bujold. And I got my internet running at home, did I mention that? Oh, and I bought a…. vacuum cleaner. It’s orange. And I have no place to put it.

Dr. Filk has requested that I forward him a copy of his resume. So tonight it’s off to the Augur Inn to fetch Dr. Filk his resume and clean his apartment. Oh, and I have to take the adjustable spanner back to the Augur Inn, too.

happy sigh

Well, here I am typing away on my new computer, having finally got my internet set up (thanks Telus support guys!). The new computer (an HP Pavilion) has got pretty much everything I want – SD Card reader, built in webcam, fair chunk of memory, the nicest screen I’ve ever seen on a laptop, why the durned thing even has a remote!  Mike recommended it.  Apart from an external mouse, I didn’t need anything else.

It does have Vista, but we’re going to Vista at work so I won’t be able to avoid it.  My next computer will be a Linux Box.