
It had to happen.

I’m off to the US today.  I have to leave to go pick the car up in about an hour.  It used to be that you took your birth cert and off you went, and now it’s B1 letter and passport and be prepared for a lengthy wait.  I am glad I am going, but not glad that my back will be trashed by the time I crawl into bed tonight – and it’s been so good since Monday night – and not glad about some other things about which it would be impolitic and possibly career limiting to whinge.
Beef teriyaki stir fry last light, and an episode of Deadwood.  Managed to get my driver’s license address/care card address changed, and stopped off at Brentwood on the way home for ingredaments – what is it about pea pods that makes stir fries automatically better?  I’ve fired off the invite for the housewarming (April 4) and the first FNFD (April 11) and I’ve already gotten a couple of responses, which is great.  Ack, time for a shower.

Eddie was meowing at the back door at 4:22 this morning.   Pouring rain still.  Flurried briefly on the mountain yesterday, everybody in my department all looked up from their desks and gasped simultaneously.


Unpacked 1 kitchen box, hung up some clothes and then back to BGs3 and Ds1.

Keith was here.  I texted Paul to let him know he was here overnight.

My life is a long list of people who won’t pick up their phones. This won’t last, I’m just peevish.
Recently learned that the ‘professional’ painters left an open can of pain thinner at their place of work, which happens to be Kopper’s house, thank you very much, thus nearly killing the fume-sensitive occupants.  Bad word connoting bad manners and stupidity.

Cooked halibut, tater tots and corn last night, with crunchy veggies on the side.  Mind you, Jeff had to say something like, “Wanna order in?” before I got off my butt and started doing like Ah promised.  I am now officially a BG fan but I want to kill Baltar and slap the Colonel around some too.  At least I have a fighting chance of understanding the BG filk now!

Got home in exactly 55 minutes last night.  This is not the transit time – this is the time it takes me to walk up to the bus stop, wait for the bus, get to the Skytrain, transfer, get on another bus, and walk through my back door. This is half an hour faster than it used to take me to get home to 2nd St.  I am not displeased.
Seems like some boys at work shaved head over Easter.  Fanboy (a guy in my department) showed up with an extreme load of stubble, RobofNine took it down to his dome, practically.  All that shiny pink skin, disturbing somehow.

The move still isn’t done….

But I have some more stuff from the old place and it’s much improved.  More unpacking tonight – last night I was so exhausted all I could do was rewatch Zulu and a couple of episodes of BGs3.

Blecch. Back to work.  I miss my mates but there’s (aw, shaddap) something on my desk that’s a lot like a brown object you find by mistake in the park.

Loonie Awards

The Loonie Awards were a smashing success; there were no draggy bits and when you think they took 8 non-actors and built a show around them – they did a phenomenal job.

Now off to get my bedding and a few more things from the old place – I have a vehicle until 5 pm today and I ought to go off and collect it.  More later, of course.

I guess I can assume that most of you have seen Obama’s speech on race

I am not going to say anything except I enjoyed it, I was moved by it, and I thought he was definitely showing more grit and more spine than most American politicians since the end of WWII.  If you haven’t seen it, it’s easy enough to find on Youtube.  Ooo, and I’m up over 400 views for the Tapioca song now.