overslept and underslept

awake until well after two

woke up at six thirty


I can get up in a minute. Next I know it’s 9:30, Keith’s phoning. Took my pills, took my bp (121 over 91 not great but not hypertensive criziz IYKWIM). I’m shoving down breakfast so the pills have some company and boiling water for tea.


well I had graphomania yesterday, 3000 words on a new fanfic I SWEAR TO GOD IT JUST HAPPENED and it’s tentatively called Handyman Special and then I DRANK ICED TEA AT 9:30 AT NIGHT farewell sleep you were a good’un

Off to IHOP tomorrow with Keith and Alex.

more ice cream

Yes I know I shouldn’t. I am in that magical land past caring.

Everybody have the best day they can.

Joke from reddit:

two crabs are eating a billionaire at the bottom of the sea

one asks the other, ‘does this taste a little rich to you?’

Currently rewatching PoI again. We’re about six episodes into the first season. I heart Finch.

Medium is still very enjoyable and I am amazed at how many changes they can ring on the general plot structure… truly grand writing, and some of the best minor characters in any show, ever. I heart Manny and I wouldn’t kick Scanlon out of bed for eating fibreglass.

No paperwork is required of a 16 year old in Ontario who wishes to leave home. All you need is ID proving you’re 16 and up. It’s more complicated in BC but a judge can emancipate even younger if you have a compelling case and a sympathetic judge.

the evidence is in

God still loves me and Jeff but Peggy’s doing the heavy lifting.

oh yeah the tourtiere and the strawberry rhubarb pie were excellent

Here’s me all ready to breathe fire on Dave D asking him on the phone if he is going to get out to vote for the mayor of Toronto yesterday and with his classic restraint he advises me that he already voted in the advance polls.  I misunderstood, he’d been out and voted earlier that day. LOL

this one’s for the fam


Peggy is threatening tourtiere

OH GOD will I survive?  She’s from northern Quebec, of course she knows how to make a tourtiere of note.

She is also threatening the last of the strawberry rhubarb pie. Jeff, reading this, is wiping off drool. I await delivery with high hopes.

Jeff and I were witnesses to some of Paul’s paperwork. I thank Lois and Ruth for stickhandling this, it never would have happened without them.

The ukulele reappeared. It was exactly where I left it, in the music room. If I had lost it I would be sad, but when Mike called I told him and he just laughed and laughed when I explained I lost something in my house and he said…. that’s my every day for months.

So…. heard from Mike. He nearly died yesterday, he went kayaking in Pitt Lake. The inflatable kayak burst and a rain storm came up and HE JUST BARELY MADE IT BACK TO SHORE, his arms were still shaking occasionally when he called me. He watched a satellite video just to ensure that he hadn’t been dreaming about how fast the storm blew up and nope, it happened like he said. Anyway, he sounded quite chipper, the way you always do when you avoid death by drowning by inches.

Buster’s leg wound from the surgery is healing nicely but he’s a long way from having the cone off. He completely freaked out when Lois and Paul came over yesterday for the document signing, it was rough for him. It’s possible he was confused over the car sound and couldn’t figure out who was coming and going with the Echo coming and going but me not being in it. Lois will return the car today and fly home, and she will be missed.

The battery on the laptop now discharges to 50 percent when left fully charged but unplugged overnight. I wish you could easily replace the batteries in these fuckers. I’ve pinged a repair shop for help; should be about 150 to 200 dollars.

Much better

Gosh, I can’t believe how much better I feel this morning! It’s as if everything feels clearer and lighter.

Today’s Father’s Day. My pOp is best pOp, your argument is invalid. Okay, Leo’s a good father, and he fathered good fathers! Damnit, so is Terry. So was Jim (actually among the best) and then there’s Tom, he was a bighearted dad, and my grandads, and Barry, and David, and actually my life is full of good dads. Paul was among them. He’s still family, but he has passed into the part of the world where he is no longer really a dad. Katie didn’t advertise it as a father’s day meal but we’re getting together tonight. I hear Dax is fixing to change the oil in Paul’s Echo.

I am going to endeavour to persevere; I hope you all can manage that today. We are for going schlepping when the grocery opens.

A long joke, stolen from saturn128 on reddit. Typos have been corrected and it’s been slightly edited.

One day Fibonacci goes to the fair with his friends: Ms. One, Mr. Five, and Dr. Twenty.

While Fibonacci perused the fairgrounds, his friends decided to enjoy a variety of different competitions and games.

Ms. One thought to try her hand at the ring toss and ball throwing games. She’s a pretty good shot and quickly wins a pair of adorable stuffed toys shaped, oddly enough, like small cherry trees.

Mr. Five, being a man with a hearty appetite, went to sign up for the pie eating contest. When the time came to compete, Mr. Five set to his task with a ravenous fervour. The competition was brutal and incredibly messy, but by the end Five had scarfed over a dozen pies.

Dr. Twenty wandered to an area a little more removed from the main fairground. He was, in fact, looking for the tent that he knew would host the poker tables. Dr. Twenty was an avid gambler, a man of numbers and statistics as well. Upon finding the tables, Dr. Twenty is already prepared with his own bet. Placing ten dollars in the pot, he is dealt his cards and solidifies his poker face. After a solid hour of cards, the doctor had won over three times as much as he had originally bet.

All the while, Fibonacci had walked between his friends and checked on their activities. In his wanderings he had run into an acquaintance of the group. They asked, “How did the others fare in their games?”

Fibonacci responds, “Oh, One won two trees, five ate thirteen, Twenty won $34.55.”

feelin a bit better

I don’t feel great but I’m going to quit whining anyway.

It was good to see Oreo and Paul and Keith yesterday. Paul and I almost made it to Pho Edmonds but his blood pressure tanked and he was super dizzy. (He’s been messing around with his meds and taking them at different times of the day to figure out which is best. I take mine in the morning and just put up with the hour (usually considerably less time) of dizziness and nausea. Bonus, my body tells me if I’ve missed my morning meds. No, I’m not overmedicated.

I bought 45 dollah of fruit and veg yesterday and now I’m chopping it up and roasting it and I made a pure vegetarian stirfly yesterday and apart from the canned baby corn and the fact that thanks to salt restrictions it was blannnnnnd, Jeff approved. It has within it: bamboo shoots, baby corn, baby bok choi, bean sprouts, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli. Oil and oregano brushed long eggplant is in the oven for snackies later; I just ate a quarter of a very sweet but extremely firm cantaloupe and I’m quietly working on my tea while I go through the rest of my morning routine.

Supper at Katie’s tomorrow.


From my mind to the world

So I thought about calling friends yesterday, and instead out of the blue Tish called and Keith called and that was pleasant.

Did three turns around the upper park with Jeff yesterday. Suzanne has come and gone and the bathrooms are shinier.

My bloodwork came back and while my kidneys aren’t exactly failing, all the numbers are seriously out of whack; this accounts for my lack of appetite and powerful urge to be unconscious most of the day I reckon. Since the only change that will make any difference is diet, I feel like I’ll never eat anything good again in my life and just have to suffer through this ongoing mania for calories and tastiness by eating things that ARE NOT TREATS. I had a hardcooked egg and a salad for breakfast. I don’t know what else I can do.

Sent 1350 words off to mOm yesterday.

I’m supposed to go to Paul’s in a couple of hours. I feel wretched, and poopy.

feeling pregnant

I don’t know if it will be a story, a song, a rant, a poem or a drawing but it’s not gas even if it must vent sooooon.

I have something creative in me that has to come out … is what I mean to say. This is a something creative that is not making a batch of cinnamon buns, which I did yestreen.

Today I bleached most of the coffee cups. I think a while back I ran the dishwasher with no soap and while everything was sterile when we were done there was tea baked on. Gave ’em all a thorough rinse and put ’em in the dish rack.

All the errands I’d run if I was made out of energy:

take that fretless bass ukulele back to Peggy. It was borrowed from her and a gent I don’t know loaned it to her and I CAN’T STAND THE SMELL it’s like it lived in a moldy basement for a hunnert years. BUT IT SOUNDS SO COOL (LARRY DAVID UNCERTAINTY GIF)

walk for 45 minutes at least

do a shop

bathe; maybe get really radical and brush my teeth

write a thousand words


pay bills

try to obtain my credit score

call at least a couple of my friends

play around on Bluesky, the replacement for twitter, some more (I like it so far)

What I’ll probably do:

Whine continuously and pause for my video call with my doc to get my scrips renewed. I do not want a holter monitor. I do not want a colonoscopy. We shall see. If she complains I’ll say, can you go back to the part of my file that says I have ADD? get corrected, sheesh.

Already got my first Notice of Assessment back, holeeee that was fast. Thank you Jeff as always my home guard!!! My taxes are again up to date, phew.

Suzanne comes today but this will likely be her last Thursday with us because her jobs are changing up and we need to find another four hour block – weekend most likely.

Watched a Russian soldier surrender to a drone on video this morning. The alternative was eating a grenade launched from a nearby chopper, so I’m glad he’ll eventually go home to his family.

Buster was a good boy at the vet and gets his teeth cleaned next week.

Glenda Jackson, 87, passed at home in Blackheath today. Rest well my left wing goddess.



chimichanga and Mr. Ho’s

It was lovely to see Tom, Chari, Brian and Mike at Mr. Hos. None of us had a drop of alcohol.

It was also very lovely, earlier in the day, to see Ryker who is A BUSY LITTLE BOY WHO NEVER STOPS MOVING. And broke a corelle dish, in accordance with the prophecy.

Keith cooked me a chimichanga with cheese and Suzanne made me a cup of tea and told me she can’t do second Thursday’s any more because she got a better paying position for that day but she can do an evening or weekend or morning instead. So Jeff and I will have to talk about what’s most convenient.

On the way back I got Jeff a strawberry rhubarb five inch from Pie Hole and us some relaxants from The Bohemian. Took a cab to the restaurant like a sensible person.

Curvebeak was back this morning (Jeff noticed him the other day, he’s uh, hard not to notice with that incredible honker) and it’s just aggravating because I don’t have any sound and healthy crow food except…. hardcooked eggs, (wut?) so I peeled him an egg and put it out for him. Felt weird. Accidentally let Buster out but he has to stay in for his appointment at the vet today so we for sure can lay hands on him when it’s time to go. I coaxed him back in with many treats.

Just checked what I fed Curvebeak, every scrap of the egg is gone. Well, he got one fifth of his calories for the day I guess, they eat 12 oz a day.