I am still in shock about how much freaking junk I have. I am so emotionally attached to my books that I’m sitting in the pile of boxes going, wah, wah instead of brutally tossing them. I’ll be a lot happier when I’m done. When I get rid of clothes I think “Off to Value Village with you!” and there isn’t a horrible feeling to go along with it. Books are like little, immobile, rectangular friends, and you don’t just haul your friends off to the garbage. I have Bookcrossing on some of my books but to do all of them would many days of labour, and so…. I guess they are off to storage. Heavy sigh.
It freaking SNOWED here again last night. I know that in late December a dusting of snow on the neighbourhood rooftops is all pine scent and lush orchestrations of cherished carols, but this close to the first of April methinks anything but peace and goodwill when it’s something I see before I’ve had any coffee.
Last night, I failed to cook dinner! I made cheese scones, but I actually went to bed before sunset, woke briefly at 10:30, and then back to bed until ten after seven. Moving is tiring; yesterday it was unpacking pretty solidly. I did make lunch for the menfolks – Keith was here and how good to see him.