News roundup

Hurricane forecast accuracy is reduced, but you’re not supposed to complain about it.

Pride has two faces. 

Alcohol protects against rheumatoid arthritis?  I’ll drink to that !!  Ooh, and further down it says that breastfeeding longer than 13 months protects against rheumatoid arthritis as well!  (May protect, anyway, according to preliminary research…)

Junk DNA isn’t really junk?

Monty Python was wrong…. there is no Universally Funny Joke.

The majority of mammalian genes tick to a circadian clock.

Odd experience

I have blogged at other times about pornography, and have mentioned in my self description that I am a pro porn feminist. Last night I had the opportunity to view some Czech ‘home-made’ porn from a co-op swingers club where the members raise money for the club by selling home made porn (made on-site), which seems quite amusingly recursive.

Continue reading Odd experience