Laughing so hard I hurt myself

I just read on (in a column about “The Worst Car You Ever Owned”) “Owning this car was like being married to A Supermodel with a Cocaine Problem.”

The latest round of repairs to Ziva appears to have more or less fixed the running rough on start up issue, and the rad had to be replaced because it was leaking and we have indoor outdoor cats.  This will stop rad fluid from getting into the head gaskets.  Thus the amusement about the above noted comment.

Margot’s blookhy eye is MUCH better, the pus is less, the redness almost entirely absent, although she yowls like a serval when I grab her to put the eyegoop from the vet in her eye.  I need to trim her whiskers again, as they curl back into her eye and I think that’s what caused this last ailment.

I am coughing, sneezing, wheezing and I feel like I’ve broken a rib.  Everybody in the house has been sick with a cold; feline and primate cheerfully shedding virus all over each other.

Music 2night with Cindy, possibly Paul too, who knows.  I think I’ll stick with playing, because all that comes out when I actually sing is a hideous croaking noise.

Sunday I go corrupt the minds of our youth.  Yes, I am participating in youth RE and talking about “My Life So Far.”

Sundry and various

Cindy and I will sing on Friday, about time.  I have three count’em three new songs for her since the last time I laid eyes on her.

Work continues breathlessly along.  The pulled pork ciabatta sammich in the caf today was like a religious experience.  Had a lovely chat with the D-man about economics and the revenge of unintended consequences.

Haven’t heard from Katie in days.  But her shit’s still at my house, sigh.

Sunday dinner we’re having the Planet Bachelor folks over for Roast something and assorted veg, and then some kind of new cool board game afterwards.

Last couple of SG1 episodes entered the meh zone.  Oh well.  It still has ‘moments’.

Margot has gotten into the habit of bear hugging Eddie as he walks by.  The visual effect is peepantsingly hilarious.


Great evening!

Beloved bossy took us bowling, it was so much fun!  Also, Mike came over afterwards and watched the first two eps of Pioneer.  What a great show; I’d forgotten how good it was just in the last few months.


Tonight, off to practice.

I’m feeding Kira while Paul is gone, but I’m getting the feeling she doesn’t want to be fed.  (She screamed at me when I came through the door and then refused to eat). I got a call from Keith yesterday; they couldn’t get out of the airport on passes because of Jack Layton, if you can believe it.  The party faithful are flying to Ontario on the tail end of a huge weather event and at the end of the summer so everything is jammed as jammed can be.

Monday linky-lous

This is wonderful– a list of unlikely meetings.

Take your granny to the mall today. Remember, when it gets hot, you can prevent deaths by banging on the doors of your elderly neighbours and making sure they stay hydrated and cool.

Nancy the sheepherding …… chihuahua?

In keeping with the “Fuck, it’s hot” theme, today is the anniversary of the first day napalm was used on human beings.

This speech aligns well with my thinking about filk.

Jeff and I had a conversation about this the other day and thankfully he pulled the quote for me.

YAY!!!!! Google applies Boots of Buttkicking to Malware’s ass.

Jeff and I watched Dawkins on Darwin. Man, there are a lot of stupid people in the world.  I’m still having a hard time understanding exactly how people can tie themselves in the cognitive knots required to deny evolution.

In Victoria mit kinder

The weather, thank goodness, is absolutely glorious; we had a lovely tour down the highway with the eponymous Sheryl Crow album blasting, and then the sumbitch quit…. I really like that album and it’s annoying to think I’ll have to replace it.

The kids and the folks are having a lovely discussion in the sun room so I thought I’d slip away and catch up on my blog.

Yup, still the same laundry list of shiz I can’t talk about.

So I’ll talk about something else.

With my own eyes I’ve seen a little naked girl, slowly walking along a path, holding a frog on the palm of each hand.  “Look, mummy, they like me!”

With my own eyes I’ve seen a great blue heron fly over the car I was driving, and I watched it poop, and cover my windscreen with runny pale blue shit.

With my own eyes I have seen the classic UFO lenticular cloud.  mOm can confirm; she was in the car with me.  I saw it looking west from the Hamilton escarpment.

With my own eyes I’ve seen what it looks like to do the approach into Montréal, through thin scattered, at night, in an Airbus.  (Wild, lemme tell you.)

With my own eyes and ears, I have seen a man play arpeggios on a flute to a common loon, which answered him.

With my own eyes, I have seen Keith’s name written into the ice up at Red Deer Lodge.  (repeated freeze thaw cycles at the base of reeds cause the ‘writing’ effect’).

With my own eyes, I have seen a cat fall into a full bathtub and not get wet.

I’ve seen a lot of wonderful things in my time.

Saturday round up with extra moose

Considering that I think marriage is a crock I don’t know ‘zactly how to feel about this.

Disturbing pic of a kid done up Clockwork Orange style.

I’m only posting this in the hopes that pOp will forward a story about his childhood, maybe with an optional explosion.

Man, I didn’t know there was a floor show for the ferry line up. Ocean floor, that is. You can all tell me what a crappy pun that is later.

Very happy to have her back.  Jeff and I were worried about her.

Moose go back to school, get edumacated.

Moose, go away

I ignore the dog and play with the ball, for I AM MOOSE.

I make weird noises, ’cause I am a MOOSECALF.

SMG is back on TV. We’ll see.  I’ve started watching Lost Girl so I don’t know if I’ve room on my TV plate.


I HAVE UPDATED the Red Deer link… check out the pics.


Why I think Jeff is a genius

Jeff’s tenancy with me has consisted in part of him going away and thinking for a spell when I say things like “Why can’t we have the internet on the big screen?” and “We have to many fucking remotes; when you go out of town I can’t even reliably turn the TV on; can you fix that?” mostly to prevent himself from saying something mean to me about how I’m too dumb to understand the two page instruction set he laboriously wrote, AND updated at least twice.  Jeff produces good documentation and I am dumb as a brick; these two facts are incontrovertable.  With respect to the “Why can’t we have the internet on the big screen?” question he had to do a ton of stuff and set up another computer to make it happen.  SO I get to go skipping through life asking why things don’t happen to my liking and he gets to spend hours of challenging labour AND money making it happen.  I don’t know which is worse, that I keep thinking I can get away with it, or that he just quietly goes away and does it without presenting me with an itemized bill.  On the other hand, I do cook around here.

His latest act of genius has been to bow to the inevitable.  I am indeed TOO STUPID to handle more than one remote, but universal remotes almost universally suck.  After lengthy study of the problem, he purchased a universal remote and then spent a goodly number of hours programming it to withstand the depredations not only of myself but of my son, who can be a complete ass when borrowing media.  Sorry son, it’s true.  Of course if you get hit by a car I’m going to regret this, just like I regretted my daily description of cleaning John’s apartment when he moved out immediately after he got killed in an accident, but I don’t go back and oubliette that shit because that’s just lame.  I would rather be complicated, messy and inconsistent, because, er, that’s how I am….  But the truth keeps on being the truth even when you could have picked a better moment for the reveal.

Jeff has not only programmed the remote so I can do whatever I want to do with the tv and the Xbox and the monitor, he’s SET THE AVERAGE AUDIO LEVELS.  So if you’re going back and forth between media you don’t get blown out of your seat if you land in the middle of a tv commercial.  That, friends, is true genius.  And he’s always finding new ways to tweak the remote.  Go tech!

Today is Mother’s Day.  I’m opening at church (and if I’m not, I’ll help….) and then assisting with a Mother’s Day tea.  I decided I couldn’t deal with making soup so I baked a whole salmon and made cinnamon buns.  Jeff doesn’t know I plan on making more, but I do; it’s mean to fill the house with the supercharged smell of home baking and then say oops, you can’t have any.  (Actually I let him eat a couple: “I have good news and bad news.  These are the best cinnamon buns I ever made, and the rest are going to church.”)

Yesterday I did laundry and played Buzz ALL DAY.  I do not play Buzz every day, but I had four separate guitar playing sessions yesterday and I LOVE HOW THAT GUITAR SOUNDS OMG OMNOMNOM.  Also yesterday watched chunks of Canucks game and laughed at Margot for watching Nascar again.  She really likes Darlington, and why not.  My shopping trip yesterday consisted of propane and guitar strings, because the g string ALWAYS breaks on a 12 string; I bought two whole sets and spares.  I talked to Neil Douglas about effects pedals and he laughed and asked me why I’d bother.  I s’pose.

I managed to cut the grass last weekend but I have no fucking clue when I’ll get to do it again because the sky continues to dump precip at an unholy and quite soggy-making rate.

After church, the Horde will descend and I am hoping to barbecue some MORE salmon.

Did I mention that I think my brother is a genius?

Miss Margot goes for a walk

Astonishingly, she came out the front door with me last night as I was on my way to Peggy’s to pick up soup (which I am going to now eat for lunch) and walked TWO WHOLE HOUSEWIDTHS down the sidewalk with me.

As soon as her house was out of eyeshot she sat down, nonplussed, and we slowly walked back to the house.  She has lost a lot of weight (for her) and is astonishingly frisky.  The same thing happened last spring, too.

Saw the psychologist today.  The meeting today seemed to have more relevance to church than home, work or ‘personal’ but it was still really useful.  He’s a good egg.