I wrote a post and it vanished. That always makes me mad. I went back through my pages hit on and found this: Please Vote!
I have a coworker who is addicted to lip balm. He jokes about it.
I am at a super low ebb. Everything takes a million years; I feel like I can scarcely move. Fortunately, I have to get up and go to work, otherwise I’d just lie here and moan quietly. Knowing this state of mind is entirely temporary is useful; I once believed that if I felt bad I’d feel bad forever, and now I know I’ll feel lousy for a while and then it will go away. Also, I can think of at least three things, off the top of my head, that would make me feel better. Obama winning, lunch at the Himalaya and seeing some critters.
I just managed four weeks without a single cigarette, not so much as a drag. That’s the longest I’ve gone in probably 10 years. Unca Dave getting sick was the wakeup call I needed.
Since it takes a month to make a new habit, I’m now contemplating the next peak to conquer. Hopefully I won’t need oxygen and a Sherpa.
Oh wait, banjo music!