One of my twitterdudes said this and I had to memorialize it.
(Family friends keep telling him how much he looks like his despised, despicable grandfather and he wants them to effing stop.)
As sustained and limitless as the human consciousness that presents it:
There was a point, yesterday afternoon, after watching episode five of A Spy Among Friends and while watching episode three of Station Eleven, when I started babbling at Jeff about ‘elliptical story telling’. As an example, there is a flashback inside a flashback in one episode.
almost a thousand words follow:
I announced to Jeff that we are eating that entire batch of biscotti ourselves. Sorry about the previously announced apportioning of the spoils.
I can’t see my feed. I can follow more people but I can’t see any of my new content on twitter and I wish I could talk about how sad it makes me without sounding like an idiot. On line IT press says it’s a ‘code loop nightmare’.
(an hour later, it reappeared)
No progress on Totally Boned. My protagonists are queer / asexual / non heteronormative and I’m glad they are, because Fox media isn’t just coming for trans kids anymore; they’ve started to say completely unhinged things about asexuals, too. In my own small way I am fighting against the dehumanization of sexual and affectional minorities.
Wordle in five. Top five in three out of five games this morning although my working memory seems to have stepped out for two joints.
OMG the Call the Midwife wedding episode made me cry pretty much continuously. And now I’m crying again reading about the suicide of a Black woman in STEM. Why do we make women carry so much in this life and why do we hate women who aren’t white so much ….
Snow disappeared enough to order burgers and shakes for dinner.
I hope we’re all prepared for the ADDITIONAL SNOW we’re getting tonight. Up to 15 cm of dense white death will fall from the sky.
So I need to find some packaging to get the biscotti off to the people who need to get it in the mail, and separate the JEFF AND I ARE EATING THESE biscotti from the ones I’m mailing off. This batch is even better than the last one and it is JAM PACKED WITH ALMONDS.
Going to see Paul this am for a walk. Also if I can force myself to get some blood work done that would be cool.
no change on word count
Wordle in 3.
Twitter isn’t paying its suppliers and is laying off people so fast cracks and breakages and outages are happening all the time. I will probably end up on Mastodon. I wish I didn’t love twitter so much.
Oh, it is yummy. And soon it will be gone. And when it’s gone, I’ll make tofu and egg and pork and chicken fried noodles. Or something.
22,300 words.
Happy birthday Tammy darling, hope you have an awesome day!!
As for the rest of you, love yourself today with some self-care.
Don’t know if it’s self care; I think I’ll make some more biscotti. Paul phoned yesterday to thank me for the last batch.
Something is rearranging itself amidships. Nothing hurts, but it’s very odd and my usual schedule is non existent. For example I was woken from a sound sleep at 2 am for a run to the john…. but everything was fine. Just urgent. It is possible this is Metformin reminding me that it needs to be taken 1.5 hours earlier in the evening, in which case, carry on, noble poop chute.
Suzanne was here, and I slept through most of it since I was having a super off day. She folded my last load of laundry, may blessings rain. She’s barely recovered from her walking pneumonia. No fever or cough or anything, for me it was just exhaustion. Sometimes I think I have to schedule a recovery day after seeing Paul. Katie advised that she saw the salt I got for her and got into her biscotti delivery already.
Got the Wordle in three (such a lucky guess, that second one) and two top five scores and one best score in Lumosity, so my general feeling that whatever my body is doing my brain is in reasonable order continues. Celebrated with a giant mug of coffee. Nom.
Today, STEW. We bought a roast yesterday so I cut it in half so that Jeff and I can have a mini roast beast for a Sunday dinner soon and hacked the other half into stew bites. Also prepped all the rest of the meat we purchased yesterday into strips for stir fries, so I’m ready to go with pork and chicken strips.
Keith and Alex are having a wonderful time in Victoria and you have no idea how happy that makes me. mOm is bursting with family visit vibes in consequence. It’s very nice to have family that you like, trust, enjoy and honour. I greet and thank my ancestors and accept their gifts and lessons with humility and a desire to honour them. ‘cept for the land stealing bit, but if my suspicions are correct and I’m descended from the Sakai the land stealing is kinda what we did/do and we’ll have to unlearn it.
Every morning with Buster is different. He made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in training today and so I dropped treats on his head and watched as he lay down and lazily stretched out to pop them in his mouth (he uses his front paws like hands A LOT).
A couple of days back the flicker was on the food platform yelling for sunflower seeds; two mornings ago a fox sparrow danced up and down the side yard, cheeping, very obviously dancing for food (Jeff was most struck by its movements, which seemed out of the ordinary). And the crows came in droves yesterday; I put out all the suet and fat from the meat trimmings just before sunset, when the crows are overhead going back to their roosts, and it was GONE within MINUTES. Better some fat get in their bellies than it turn into rancid malodorous vapours in the compost bucket.
Cousin Alex is hosting her mOm this weekend.
If you get a chance to see John Waters’ 2015 commencement address it’s worth seeing. Elder creators who gave themselves to their art and support up and comers so fiercely are a blessing on this world.
There is at least a foot of snow on everything. It is already starting to melt but lord God I am not looking forward to shovelling the front sidewalk. Jeff will assess what else may need to be done and then do it. I’m taking the little chair out there with me, I came so close to stroking out the last brace of snowfalls (or it felt that way, I ‘greyed out’ a couple of times.)
22099 words. For whatever reason this part is easy to write. Then I finish the section (it’s too long to be a chapter) by going back to where I started with Blossom, and mirroring their journey in Guyana with a road trip. TO OTTAWA and beyond LOL.
got a call midmorning from Katie saying that what with Paul being alone in the house while Keith and Alex are off in Saamich and Dax and Katie being at work he might be lonely.
So I used the opportunity to drop off his household’s biscotti portion, get a meal into him at Pho Edmonds, ran biscotti over to Sue and to Peggy, walked in Fraser Foreshore (JEEEBUS it was cold and Paul was definitely having mobility issues, although he perked up after a few hundred metres), and picked up a bag of walkway salt for his household after I noticed they were almost out of it (paid a swingeing great price for it too but it’s 20 kilos and who knows how long the salt will last in the stores, so I’m glad I did it, glad, I tell you), and then a couple of party favours from the Bohemian.
Once again he greeted me by asking me whose idea it was to take away his licence. I told him his license is in his wallet, same as always, and now that he’s had symptoms like chatting with people who aren’t there it’s too dangerous for him to drive. If he wants to book and pass a drivers test in BC he can drive again no matter what his doctor says, and he objected most strenuously to this and asserted that I couldn’t pass a drivers test either and my driving was terrible. As best as I can make out, he wants me to get a dementia diagnosis as well, but as long as my LPI on Lumosity is over 1400 I’m not doing any such goddamned thing. My performance stats are above 80th percentile for every game for people my age and over 95th percentile for 5 out of the 7 categories (I do worst in math but still better than 4/5 people my age). I do not have dementia. Has driving in Vancouver, recently rated the 2nd worst city in NA for traffic, RUINED my driving??? POSSIBLY. But I don’t need to surrender my licence yet.
Since Paul says this to me every time we get together in an attempt to get me to admit it’s my fault, I stopped inserting myself in the picture and told him what to do to fix it. Thirty seconds later he tells me he keeps missing appointments and he’s anxious about his skull scan. The lack of insight which characterizes his ailment is a sore trial, but he has not stopped being loveable good company when he’s not grumping about the shitty hand he’s been dealt.
Peggy’s biscotti response:
No one seems to know where the bag of biscotti came from. I tested them for poison and survived. It was necessary to have a second test to be sure.
I am suspicious that they came from you and just wanted to say thank you
My response to this:
It was hilarious. I tried the door and came in. I said, Hello this house. Then I said Hello this house, louder, and Kali ran up barking and I assumed the sniff hand position and said in a jolly voice, relax Kali you know me. I could hear voices (?) coming from the downstairs bathroom, the door of which was closed, and not wanting to linger and loving the idea that I could just manifest biscotti in your house, I put the biscotti on the counter, ensured that the dog did not escape and the door was in fact latched, and departed, to Paul, who was waiting in the car.
Sue’s response:
I was out getting a mani/pedi and when I came home, love was at my door.Sue
That was so sweet of you. I’m sorry I wasn’t home but not sorry cause it was such a wonderful surprise. I shall have biscotti with hot sweet tea this very evening.
She’s still not fully recovered from her blerg. Hope to see her Saturday instead.
Made biscotti. I will try to deliver them today.
21140 words.
D Roti Shak for supper, as always it was super wonderful. We should probably do a shop today.
Hopefully Suzanne will be pleased that I folded all my laundry (she often does it for me), washed all her cleaning cloths and am about to launder the kitchen rugs so she doesn’t have to. Her lungs are still in terrible shape from her cold.
I’m also going to bake biscotti this morning; I made the dough yesterday and I’m letting it warm slightly for ease of log-shaping. Should make for nicer ‘crumbs’ as proofing (up to a point) makes the outcome better.
20560 words, sent some to mOm
Be level headed and practical in your kindness today!
Jim Palmer’s Celebration of Life has been confirmed for April 29. Keith, Kate and however many kids, me and Paul all plan to go. More details as events warrant.
Buster finds that weather a sore trial. Checked ventusky and the swells travelling down the coast from Haida Gwaii to Mexico are the same size as current Antarctic storms….
19946 words.
Started watching the spy/dramatized historical show ‘A Spy among Friends’ with Damien Lewis, Guy Pearce and Anna Maxwell Martin, all actors we enjoy. I quite liked the script but the ‘jumping around timelines to keep it interesting’ overdid it and a couple of times we were scrambling to figure out where we were and what year it was supposed to be. That will not stop us from watching it.
I need to go for a walk today. At the absolute minimum I need to get out of the house for more than fetching delivery from the stoop.
Still snickering about Joe Biden going for a stroll in Kyiv. He was an asshole for crushing the railway strike – as events in East Palestine show – but damn he had to be brave to take that walk. Right before Putie’s all staff meeting, er, address to the nation. He must have been incandescent with rage. LOL.
Officially old, got my pension letter from service Canada.
Perhaps I should pop over to Caspell Junction.