Where are they now?

Jeff took off to Rob’s yesterday around noon and hasn’t been seen since (although he did phone.)  I am expecting him to show up back here, all sheepish and giggly, sometime just before he has to jump back in his car to get to the ferry.

Katie said she was coming home and didn’t.

As for me I’ve been plugging away on domestic stuff.  I’m not moving fast, but I’m moving steady.

Movies r us

Paul called to say he was safely on the ground in SF, which is prob’ly the last I’ll hear of him until Tuesday evening.

We WATCHED MOVIES.  Highly recommended, although violent and weird in spots, is Tsotsi

Even more highly recommended is Broken Trail – If you have ANY interest in Westerns this is a TV production you cannot afford to miss.  ALSO if you are a Firefly fan, it’s like the guys who wrote the soundtrack sat at Greg Edmundson’s feet to get the Chinese/Western crossover thing pitch perfect – that was an unexpected bonus.  The scenery is so gorgeous, and the script and acting so good, and the details…. And Robert Duvall is just plain AMAZING.  Gun enthusiasts will be pleased by the accurate use of period guns.  Horse enthusiasts will be interested…. Persons interested in history will be interested… and the bad guys GET THEIRS yeehaw. I have every intention of watching this again, but seeing as how Jeff brought 20 movies with him, it won’t be on this pass.

Now, off to the Big 6 for brekkie.

More baby animals

Vets said this was definitely a miracle baby, so she’s called Miracle.  She was born very premature and she IS a miniature horse, and she’s only six days old in this picture.  Don’t you just want to bring her home and see if you could housetrain her?

Speaking of which, it IS possible to housetrain a horse.  You need about three years, a pretty much indestructible house, and the ability to stand outside in the rain for hours waiting for the horse to ‘go’ before you bring it inside. According to the woman who described the process on the CBC (as best as I recollect) when the light bulb finally went on the horse went, “Oh THAT’s what I have to do if I want to go inside where it’s warm.  Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

I feel guilty

I didn’t touch my mandolin all day yesterday.

Today we interview (how many real estate agents is this now?) yet another real estate agent who wants us to just ‘put it on the market and see who makes an offer’.  This one is the spouse of one of Paul’s work colleagues.


Sundry and Various II

Katie has announced, after spending a weekend with Sapphire (born last August, and her equivalent-to-niece) that she has no intentions of going into the baby making business anytime soon.  Tonstant Weaders of this blog will likely feel MUCH BETTER upon reading that.  Not that Katie doesn’t LIKE babies, she just said it was exhausting.  I forebore comment, can you credit it?

Paul appears to have located a 3 bedroom apartment close by the current house.  We shall see if the landlord goes for the plus 1 cat situation.  Seeing as how we don’t even have the house listed yet…. no, better not go there.
Work continues to be interesting, challenging, and suboptimal; I think my performance is suffering.  See what happens when you get a bonus? There’s no point, really…..
Jeff comes tomorrow.  I have to think of a good nickname for my brother, but my brain hurts right now so it will have to be later.

Keith took a tour of the David Lam campus for his Optician course.  He says, “They remembered me!” as if this was a startling occurrence.  Keith is pretty damned memorable, and I don’t just say that because I spawned him.

I would like to sing, shout, and rattle a sistrum for the sistahs!  Catherine, Tammy and Sandy – thank you for the long and heartening conversations.  I note with amusement verging on hysteria that Catherine, one of the most militant atheists evah, recently spent a day making Easter altar scarves.  Yes, her mother roped her into it, and yes, she volunteered.  But it’s a lot like finding out that Shostakovich keeps the dial on Rock 101.
This part of the blog deleted.

I rehung the Inuit hunters on the wall.  Now that the walls are the right colour, they look like they were supposed to be there.

I looked out the window this morning and saw the pear tree starting to bloom and burst into tears because that’s the last time that will happen.  It’s the little things that get you.

I slept 12 hours yesterday, but the allergy / cold thing is grimly clinging to my facial mucosa with the adamancy of one of the Old Ones denied a sacrifice…