Margot and Eddie are running up and down

I showed them the full moon out the back door and they’ve been skittish ever since.

Yes, I’m up.  I was up and done making Finn pancakes at 5 am this morning.

I have cream for my coffee so the correction hasn’t happened yet.  I’m about to do a leedle bit of recording.  I really want the zombie tune done.

Oh, grrreat.

Migraine sign this morning.  It’s probably from the nifty weather change.  (Last night, graupel mixed with sleet and punctuated by lightning as I came back from dropping Katie off (and thanks for the hairchop, girl!))

On a hunch, I went back and looked at the barometer for my Weekend of Crazyâ„¢and now I have something to else think about, because the barometer did leap and gambol like a spring lamb immediately prior to the wackiness.

I have never been able to get a thyroid diagnosis because the test results don’t support it.  However, just about everything that I’ve experienced in the last little while could be explained by thyroid problems, which occur in my family.  More interesting stuff to ponder I s’pose.  In the meantime, I need to get away from a computer screen, cause, like, that never helps, as I know from experience.

PS I wondered if this was a migraine when I heard about it.  Oh great, my tongue is going numb and I’m getting tingling and numbness in my fingers…..  This is going to be a helluva day.

Grumpus McLumpus iz mir

He is foremost among those I would hear praised. 

I know that Jeff is one of the most honest, hard-working people I know.  He loafs and lazes with a will (and generally with lots of help from me), but when he’s set himself to a task he’s committed, dedicated, focused and determined to get results.  He will hold his tongue rather than tell a lie; he’s aware of his cognitive biases and doesn’t pretend to be perfect in his pursuit of truth, justice and being let the fuck alone.

I understand that the world is made of in-groups, and that it doesn’t matter what you can do, or how smart or logical or disciplined or calm you are, if you’re not a member of that in-group you will not be trusted and your motives will always be suspect.  I am upset to be watching my brother, whom I trust with my life, who wouldn’t pick up a nickel that wasn’t his whether or not somebody was watching, whose ethics and personal standards are of the highest calibre, get treated like he’s untrustworthy.  I’m prejudiced  – but of course! – but that doesn’t make me wrong.

I don’t think it’s right to make costumes for animals

But you can’t argue with the results.

Example 1.

Example 2

Example 3. Previously posted, the amazing site.

Example 4. Not precisely a costume, but definitely hoomin triggered.

Example 5. You have to scroll all the way down to the beginning of Feb to get the chinchillas in hats, but by that time you’ve read some Sleep Talkin Man and thus my aim is accomplished.  You’ve also seen a deformed monkey, but I’m not mocking the monkey.

Now some pigs.

Example 6. Shopped but amusing.

Example 7. A modern classic, previously posted.

Example 8.  Ditto.


There was a little colour printout of a teddy bear with a heart, which was the only evidence that somebody thought of me on Valentine’s.  Yesterday was very interesting and challenging.  I learned some interesting things and have had a chance to think about them. Everybody wants to make sure customer service is excellent, and that’s my base line belief.  Some of us are better at gauging what customers want than others, and you can all take from that what you like.

Anyway, there’s some Washingtonians and Californians in the office today and so I making more biscotti.  Once they take food from your hand you own them.

But sometimes they just like you for who you are.