it was so good

Suzanne in the morning, washed most of the upstairs throw rugs to put on nice clean floors. Dejunking for next time

Buster is healing well.

I made and kept an appointment to donate blood yesterday. It was a temporary clinic at Bob Copeland rec centre. I took a cab both ways because I didn’t want to take the bus there and was figuring on being too bagged to get home on the bus afterward and it was all fine. It was a good stick, no bruising, and I dropped a bag no problem.

I am not completely useless yet, somebody out there is going to stay alive because of me.

Then I asked what Jeff might like for dinner and suggested burritos; and I’m getting two meals out of that Chronic Tacos burrito! I got the Al Pastor AND OMG IT IS SO GOOD. Jeff got the chicken burrito and ate every scrap. On a whim I ordered churros; UNBELIEVABLY sugary and greasy, therefore as one can imagine AMAZING. I love eating burritos because your body tells you you’re getting something wonderful, all those beans and flavours of lime and cilantro and onion and HEAT.

14719 (I removed as well as added.)

I miss Ryker so much I feel weird. Alex hugs are missing as well.

Finnish Nato Beer.



Continuing to make slow and steady progress on “totally boned”. I believe Suzanne is coming today, and I am going to talk to her about some more severe dejunking. Marinated tofu salad for supper last night. I crashed really early and woke up really early and now I want to do absolutely nothing all day…. Which is not on the plan sigh.

Dishes have been washed, rugs are downstairs being washed. Waiting for Suzanne.

SPENT HALF THE FUCKING MORNING BOOKING THE VAMPIRES. The Canadian Blood services site is a ghastly ordeal; took almost an hour to book a pint and change my password. GHASTLY I TELL YOU.

Hope to keep writing and doing laundry today

Also hoping to get out for a walk.

My new fan left five kudos overnight, sweet lady.

14187 on ‘Totally Boned’

I have lots of opinions on many subjects this morning but the major things on my mind are:

from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free

and no, it doesn’t rhyme in Arabic.

I mourn the death of Shireen Abu Akleh, murdered by IDF. State armies murdering journalists is so 21st century…

the 170K people in Mariupol who can’t get food in and can’t get people out

the way Russia keeps trying to arm up Snake Island and keeps getting punched in the nose

the way China continues to build up its military forces in a pretty obvious push to remove Taiwan from the list of democracies, plus how it’s arresting people in HK

Tony Hawk doing skateboard stuff in 1/6 G (in the vomit comet)

The fact that you’re expected as a disabled person in BC to get by – rent food etc on 1400 bucks a month. I COULDN’T DO IT. It terrifies me.

Doug Ford acting like he didn’t prepare for the debate yesterday. Autistic child waitlist for care and assessment has doubled on his watch. a thousand seniors died in care and his friends are still allowed to build care homes FUCK DOUG FORD thank you

Gove (who has previously admitted to cocaine use) appearing on UK breakfast television higher than Fearless Freep on cocaine in the same week that cocaine addicts complain about how the new five pound note will scratch your nose when you’re doing a bump and yet somehow Boris Johnson appears in public with a scratch on his nose and everybody in the UK from pundits to punters is going MMMMHHHMMMM could it be that the terrible performance of virtually every Tory minister??? …. naw, couldn’t be.

being sad about not seeing my grandkids for a while since people keep insisting on catching COVID

wondering if mOm and pOp still have the 1963 vinyl album “My Fellow Canadians”

gorgeous day

I suppose what I should have been doing was mowing the lawn, but if it’s not raining today that’s what I’ll do. Maybe I’ll put my two loads of laundry away LOL PROBS NO.

Tested negative for COVID again.

Putin didn’t mention victory in his victory speech. Nor did he mention nukes. Soft good traitor tyrant.

12623, I think the writing drain is unclogged and I should be able to go. It’s hard to match the 4000 word day I had earlier on this story, sigh, but at least I have all the protagonists herded into one place psychologically for their life changing phone call.

Katie called first thing yesterday and PULLED ME OUT OF THE BATHROOM and then we howled laughing, thinking ‘MY TODDLER NEVER LETS ME POO IN PEACE’ and how that just never changes because THEN WE PHONED OUR MoM and got her away from her exercises so she’s PUFF PUFF PUFF it’s so PUFF PUFF PUFF lovely to hear your – PUFF PUFF oh that’s better – voices.  Katie and I also breathed sad and mad at each other about RvW because what the fuck can you do.

I didn’t hear from Keith but I heard he was playing with Ryker when I Katie called and that was good enough for me. Later in the day, Tammy, bless her, called, and we had a good long chinwag. Trying to time the market is a hard and always potentially expensive game. Paul and I got lucky, is all. Toronto is not a good market right now.

I got amazing feedback about my ‘activism’ from back when I actually was an activist and not just a keyboard warrior yesterday and it was lovely. I’m not going to repost it but to remind myself in future, 1100 reddit karma points for my welcoming congregation post was COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED and I cried at some of the comments. REPRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT and in this case it was an asexual saying ‘thanks for making me feel seen’ and that was a moment that made me feel THIS IS WHAT I WANT FROM LIFE.

So now I suppose I need to be more of an activist. I’m doing what I can given that I never leave my rental. LOL.

I miss my filking buddies. This is the ‘other’ Jeffrey in my life, lol, and what a lovely man he is, married to an even lovelier person, Jeri Lynn (well she makes homemade raspberry soft candies that taste like a trip to the Hesperides so of course I like her better.) Jeffrey gave me his dulcimer capo, can you believe it? what a guy.


Suzanne was here

12386 words

Suzanne was falsely arrested this past week but released (it’s her story to tell but I nearly died of fright as she was recounting it AND FUCK THE POLICE MOST SPECIFICALLY THE RCMP) and one of her ex boyfriends passed away living rough (grandson Alex’s dad told her, otherwise she wouldn’t know, and they’re going to the memorial tomorrow) and I’ve never felt my privilege so hard. I want nothing but good for her and life is not providing it.

At least the fucking cops didn’t confiscate the gummies I gave her because they were excise stamped.

Tiny bit of writing last night, still balking at the convo. Maybe I should just write something bad and get it out of the way.




Walk at Fraser Foreshore

Paul and I walked again today. The heron couple was doing their thing and the eagles are sitting babies and screaming from their nests. The tide was way, way out and someone upwind was manuring a field, but otherwise it was gorgeous, and quite warm.

Started some laundry.

Buster has been to the vet to get stitches. He is now dopey and disinclined to move.

I dropped off my library book. I read six paragraphs and realized it was for smarter people than me.

I read “Résistant quoi” to Paul. He enjoyed the rather rough humour in it.

Spoke to Keith. He’s coughing lots and afflicted with brain fog.

Me, eating the viscera of a Cerritulus mirum (a non sentient alien species) in the company cafeteria in days of yore. Photo credit Dave Deroy.


Jeff is fine, but it wasn’t a fun extraction. Codeine is good to have if you need it.

12011 words. Things are about to take a turn.

I’ve done my brain exercises this morning. Strangely, I feel better when I do; less foggy, a little more awake.

In honour of Settler Saturday, please support Mari. That’s her paypal link. She is Ojibwe, disabled, the main breadwinner in her household, a writer of some note and @wordglass on twitter. TEETH SHOULD BE COVERED BY UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE and that concludes this post.

Much exceptionality to yesterday

Guest 23 arrived, and I have a poem in it. I very carefully sat and read the entire thing, in order, when I received it, and I am very very grateful to be published among such amazing manipulators of English. All of the poems spoke to me and three in particular moved me to tears. I think Dave did an amazing job of editing; the flow of the poems, one to the next, is deft and compelling.

Then the FluentPet board got delivered. I’ll be setting it up shortly. I will report back in due course.

Ran dishwasher, cleaned up Buster’s abscess a bit more. It’s yucky, poor lamb.

AND I managed to send off 1000 words to mOm. One kudo overnight, 11424 words.

Still a little WTF about having a tire explode less than two metres from my face, while I was looking at it. I may end up giving the damned bike to someone who’ll actually use it. I want an electric trike with a trailer, but there’s no place to put it, so no.

Jeff is experiencing terrible tooth pain but he’s received antibiotics and will probably have the tooth removed shortly. Sadface. I do not enjoy it when I can’t do anything practical to help people in pain except maybe stay out of their way.


Still feeling most uplifted

Yesterday was so lovely, and I always enjoy seeing Ryker, and although I didn’t see Alex yesterday I get to see him tomorrow.

I feel like I have a little bubble of love and care inside me that wasn’t there yesterday.

Wordle in four, Lumosity brain stimulation accomplished, now to get at some stuff I’ve been feeling too overwhelmed to even poke at.

Local photographer

Paul Cipywnuk made photo this at Fraser Foreshore this am.

Katie took me and Ryker walking at Deer Lake – she got to see a single garter snake. Then she ‘threw together’ a spectacular meal and went down for a nap, and Paul and I sang and played, and then I came home and hung out with Jeff watching TV and now I’ve taken my last food and drink and pills of the day and as early as it is at least I didn’t nap or drink alcohol and from the walk I’m feeling pleasantly tired….