Convoy observation

Keith and I didn’t protest, because there wasn’t a fixed point for the convoy to protest at.

So here, not orderly, is what happened.

The convoy #IvermectinInsurrection gathered in Langley and then drove along Terminal to Main, where it met a crowd of very conspicuous bicyclists around 10:30, 11 am. For an hour the convoy was stalled as everyone milled around and there wasn’t anywhere for the convoy to peel off to. Then the fucking cops busted it up and let the convoy spread out all over downtown – this happened around noon, and at that point all of downtown Vancouver was crisscrossed with maskless white people in trucks with massive Canadian flags honking and driving up and down.

Around 2 pm about 400 of them were gathered at Burrard close to the VAG, where rhetorically challenged people tried to whip the crowd up. THAT WAS WHEN I GOT SCARED. I knew they meant me harm, and it was a foul feeling. I am so glad I went with Keith.

Keith and I went first to Terminal and Main and then to Granville Station to observe and report.

It was fucking sad, and I’m not in a good place today. We had lunch at Earl’s. Apparently I got 4000 steps in (so Keith tells me.)

He had an interview yesterday, hope he gets the job if he still wants it.

The #IvermectinInsurrection

They’re coming to town tomorrow, and I’m thinking of calling Keith and asking him what he thinks I should do about it.

A few more kudos this morning, always pleasant to wake up to. Still plugging away at a couple of stories.

Katie sent me a link to one of my favourite music videos and that cheered me up.

I sure hope I’m not getting polychondritis … every goddamned morning I wake up and my ears hurt. I mean it seems fairly obvious that I have some kind of weird stammering autoimmunity issues, with my hot joints and constant weird pains and blurpiness and ghastly overwrought pain and exhaustion response to any exercise but walking. Walking doesn’t present a problem 98 percent of the time.  I could also be the world’s most embarrassable hypochondriac. Oh well, off to the doc virtually on the 7th to get my HORDE OF SCRIPS renewed. Hopefully an adjustment, my blood pressure continues to be unacceptable despite the diuretics. Anyway I’m getting it in both ears, worse on the left.

Symptoms of relapsing polychondritis usually begin with the sudden onset of pain, tenderness and swelling of the cartilage of one or both ears. This inflammation may spread to the fleshy portion of the outer ear causing it to narrow. Attacks may last several days to weeks before subsiding.


from another website


Every RP patient is different – they may have some, but not all, of the following symptoms:


  • Ear pain, which may include swelling and redness check

  • Nose pain, which  may include swelling and redness check but nowhere near as bad

  • Throat pain, which may include change in voice, shortness of breath, dry cough nope or not much

  • Red, painful, swollen eyes not really; more likely familial dry eye and issues around blood sugar

  • Rib pain and tenderness fuck yeah all the gd time I’ve been complaining of it since my teens (literally whined about it until I got a free xray at the radiology dept I worked at and of course NADA)

  • Joint pain or swelling and this would be different from daily life how… KNEES, HANDS, ANKLES, TOES, HIPS, BACK, NECK, ELBOWS, BACK TO THE KNEES

  • General malaise, low grade fever yes to the former no to the latter

that wasn’t four hours

I got to help a girlfriend, hang with my daughter, make faces at my grandson and get out of the house. I also got to see that cool house in Surrey Suzanne was living at. THE VIEW OF THE NORTH SHORE MOUNTAINS AS THE FOG MELTED AWAY oh my heart. Apparently Keith is going to help Suzanne with her move.

It wasn’t four hours but we did get shit done and she’s got other helpers coming.

By posting this pic on my blog I’m ensuring I’ll be first against the wall when the Chinese walk whistling into Vancouver…. it’s the SS Olympic Bloodbath.

Just said in a reddit comment I HOPE YOUR CLIENT SUES YOUR ASS CLEAN OFF YOUR BODY. lol

My UK fan worked her way through another two stories last night. The consistency is really getting to me.


a remarkable piece of clueless self-indulgence

So, there’s a very energetically written and on-the-surface well-thought-out think piece at Palladium. I read stuff like this from time to time to energize me, give me new ideas and to refine my thinking on such matters as productivity and the zeitgeist. Also, although I didn’t want to quit, I’ve had to quit my last jobs because they were either actively trying to kill me or had made it clear that they wanted a worker who would work more and comment less and I was just plain not working my way around to the boss’s way of thinking, not for a pay cheque that just barely made it over minimum wage. So I wanted to see what this guy thought was what.

After I read the piece, I looked up where his remaining relatives are in Vancouver, and they’re in ritzy parts of town. I just wanted to see if this guy’s attitude was groomed by intergenerational wealth. I can’t prove anything from addresses of course, so I guess I am forced to assume that he’s like me; he had a lot of advantages from his birth family and that they are comfortably placed in terms of acquired wealth. Difference between me and Wolf is that I mention mine, ie, that I would quite literally starve in the street if my parents weren’t supporting me at the moment. (Until the moment that I ended up living at Caspell Junction, I mean, because part of my intergenerational wealth is my healthy grown family and I can’t see Katie letting me live and or starve in the street.)

First paragraph BOLD MOVE quitting your job and looking for a life companion. In that economy? Anyway, one must admire an optimist. And he’s an engineer! practical, dynamic, responsible for maintaining civilization (The Great Leslie smiles and emits a photon! ting!)

Second paragraph, okay, now I actively am on guard against you, whoever you are, cheerfully and casually admitting that you negged your future wife the first time you met her. Perhaps she didn’t get your measure, but I think men who do that are crap in a can, and I am now reading your piece with my back up and a sour expression on my generally sour puss. Oh, Providence is on yer side is it pet, get back to me when she’s divorced you. As I can guarantee she will, if she isn’t planning on it already.

Third paragraph: okay, you’re the world’s most efficient and possibly classiest mooch and user, got it. Got your friends to pay for/ arrange your wedding, nicely done! Married a woman even more frugal than you are, score! It’s hard finding someone who agrees with you on the big issues. Well done.

Fourth paragraph: what in the entire fuck, dude. I shall ditto it in its entirety, because unpacking the assumptions therein is chewing through my cycles at a ghastly rate so I need it in front of me.

When I wasn’t lifting and courting, I was building a network of intellectuals interested in problems of governance from beyond the established liberal democratic paradigm. I didn’t know why it was interesting. In fact, I thought it was a vice. “This is bad for your career,” said the little wage-slave voice in my head, “you should be focusing on more lucrative projects.”

Okay. After preening about his sociobiological fitness, he says that he’s building a network of intellectuals interested in problems of governance from beyond the established liberal democratic paradigm.

Cool. That means OF COURSE that you’re consulting with Indigenous activists, academics, and knowledge keepers and


I’m a fat old white lady living in Burnaby, and you just cannot reasonably expect anyone who cares about ‘problems in governance’ –– without dealing with land theft and the practices of the Indigenous people of this place –– and this gentleman can’t be bothered to think or write about either.

The implication is that he’s only considering the thoughts of other white men when it comes to ‘problems in governance’. I mean WHAT DO YOU THINK a white man MEANS when he says NETWORK OF INTELLECTUALS? After ten years on twitter and twenty on social media I sure’s fuck know what it means to me, but I’m, you know, dark-hearted.

Lacks prove nothing, but don’t you think this absence is a teeny tiny suspicious? I’m on guard against his continued utterances with absolutely no further magnanimity, because he’s shown enough of his true self to appear about as convincingly genuine and smart as Boris Johnson.

“I didn’t know why it was interesting.”

This looks like “My most trivial thoughts are important.”

Yeah, dude, I often have that sensation as well. Keeping a blog since 2004 has fixed me for that. My most trivial thoughts are trivial. They may become important later, if they are integrated into something more important like a song or artwork or writing, but most of what’s in my head is junk. It’s true, something can start small and get important, but this sentence that he’s written also makes me think things like, “If you don’t understand what your moral purpose is, it’s hard to connect one random thing to another in a structurally sound, clear and useful way.”

“In fact, I thought it was a vice.”

OOf. Thinking in anti-capitalist ways is a vice, got it. Or you used to think that. Okay.

“This is bad for your career,” said the little wage-slave voice in my head, “you should be focusing on more lucrative projects.”

Paul used to say things like this to me whenever I was writing. Or he’d tell me to concentrate on poetry, since it was classy or something. Until Paul apologized for the ways in which he’d blocked my songwriting – 25 years in, and obviously too late – this was the real live voice I had next to me in bed at night, so I get where Wolf (the author) is coming from here. Some sympathy. But not much.

Fifth paragraph:

It was through those networks.

Okay Wolf, just confirming that it was a coterie of white guys that helped you, since you’re not mentioning how your intellectual cheer squad is made up in any way of marginalized people. Maybe it’s jam-packed with them, but in 20fucking22 you aren’t mentioning it, so, once again, it’s the lack, lack, baby.

Then more patting himself on the back… I’m not sure he can help himself …

Me ‘n’ my friends put a show on in the barn?

Anyway, if you want a transcript of what this guy sounds like? Not saying you do, but here it is. “Growing up in BC made me an environmentalist.” LOL NO DUDE IT MADE YOU A HIKER, British Columbians have the worst record in Canada for throwing grease down their drains and environmentally degrading megaprojects. “Growing up in Canada meant I didn’t have the American political paradigm” RISIBLE Then he says he was raised Unitarian. LOL I wrote a homily called the tyranny of nice specifically for self-deluding Unitarians, so now I have an even better insight into the kind of self-calming behaviour this guy is demonstrating.

And do you not find it interesting that he considers California to be the centre of the universe and FLEES TO BC for COVID? Okay, enough of picking on this poor mecheng.

Back to the main stage:

I’ma skip ahead to the parts that made my blood run cold:

His spirited defence of Elon Musk, raised rich by racist emerald mine owners. DUDE THIS IS NOT A STEP AWAY FROM NEOLIBERALISM, this IS NEOLIBERALISM.

Fuck ya.

and then this paragraph, which drove the breath from my body with its ableism and eugenics fluffing language

Yes, even the bane of Darwin’s faith—the humble ichneumon wasp that lays its maggots inside the living bodies of caterpillars to eat them from the inside and burst out on maturity like some alien xenomorph—is a beautiful creature with a sacred task. Like many parasites, its role in the great chain of being is to test the health and defenses of its caterpillar host population. Its predation weeds out the sickly, preventing the much uglier injustice of collective weakness and disease, and spurring the evolution of stronger and even more beautiful life. Even fearsome Nemesis, born from chaos via night and darkness, is ultimately the hand of God and the minister of justice. Even the supposed exceptions to justice prove its rule.

So COVID disproportionately killing disabled people is ‘spurring the evolution of stronger and even more beautiful life’. By his logic. Absolutely disgusting, and he DOESN’T EVEN REALIZE HE’S DOING IT.

Because if you asked him how he feels about disabled people, he wouldn’t say anything of the sort, certainly not while the mic was live, but he’s okay with using metaphors that would pinch out disabled lives without a backward glance AND HE HAS NO ONE IN HIS LIFE OR EDITORIAL CIRCLE WHO WILL CATCH HIM ON IT.

I tire of these efforts, so I’ll end with this. This man, well-intentioned, well-educated, and whiter than boiled chicken thighs on rice, has NO FUCKING BUSINESS setting himself up as an expert on governance.

Any more than I do…. which is why I don’t. I have opinions, but I’m not an expert.

Please, if you’re going to be supporting ‘alternatives in thinking about governance’ give your money to the people of colour who’ve DONE THE WORK.



Graeber quote

I downloaded a spectactularly useful (to me) and clearly written work about anarchism entitled Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology and have done up this quote:

Graeber quote
Expose, subvert and undermine structures of domination.

Also, I made mac and two cheeses with basil and capers yesterday. Jeff devoured some of the salmon Mike cooked.

We watched the new Bond film, No Time to Die, which, from its Eilish opening song (the film has a cold open that lasts like 25 minutes before you get it) to its final frame is actually very good (with plot holes, I don’t think the Broccoli enterprise does anything else).

Katie came over and we had a nice conversation about the computer she and I are going to subsidize so Alex has a gaming machine.

I have almost two hundred hits on my most recently posted fanfic and one incredibly sweet comment. I have a couple more planned and three more almost finished.

so what does the American Democratic party do?








From @butchanarchy on twitter

Peter Julian

Peter Julian was standing at the south east corner of 10th and Canada Way as Jeff and I drove past at 8 am this morning on the way back from the grocery store, with a big sign saying thank you. He has served this riding and its predecessor riding since 2004, serving currently as NDP House Leader. He’s been called one of the hardest working politicians in Canada, he speaks French and English and gets by in ASL, he was born in the riding he serves, and he’s all round worth voting for.

we voted yesterday

And while the electoral fairies didn’t give us what we wanted, a Liberal minority government is close enough, given that electoral politics is gross no matter who’s involved.

I topped up my compass card; after I came back from seeing Tammy it was tapped out, and that will never do. Can’t take the bus without a compass card.

Today I hope to mind my own business and avoid the people wandering around the lower mainland who are threatening each other with fake weapons, running each other down with real SUVs etc. Also may circumstances give the incoming BC Nurses’ Union president enough ovarian muscle to back a vaccine mandate. The fact the outgoing one didn’t means that I for one am NOT thanking Christine Sorenson for her service. Every nurse in BC should be vaccinated and the fact she didn’t support a vaccine mandate IS MORE THAN ENOUGH REASON for the board to want her departure. Riddance to Rubbish!


many ripe swears

The PPC is just about the worst political party in Canada; Maxime Bernier is a racist POS, and I can only thank my neighbours that I have NOT HAD TO LOOK AT A SINGLE PPC CANDIDATE SIGN ANYWHERE IN BURNABY SINCE THE ELECTION STARTED.


Lisa Steacy September 15 2021 News 1130

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – A Vancouver People’s Party of Canada candidate has been distributing flyers comparing B.C.’s vaccine card to residential schools, and outraged Indigenous leaders are demanding accountability.

The flyer says it was “authorized by the official agent of Renate Siekmann,” who is running in Vancouver-Quadra— a riding that includes the Musqueam First Nation. The image of children outside of a residential school is overlaid with the text, “Discrimination is wrong: No vaccine passport.” In B.C., people need to show that they have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to access non-essential businesses like restaurants, movie theatres, and gyms.

BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) Regional Chief Terry Teegee says the comparison is deeply offensive, and trivializes the genocide of Indigenous people in Canada.

More China

Election influencing?  Oh, I imagine so.


Released Wednesday (note, Nanos Poll from August), it found two out of three Canadians want the government to be more forceful in its dealing with China, with 88 per cent saying they support or somewhat support a foreign agent registry for anyone working on behalf of a foreign government or organizations to influence Canadian policies, which is something the United States and Australia already have.