The wit and wisdom of imaginary creatures


In this case, Raylan Givens.

I don’t feel very well so I’ll be sticking close to home today. Yesterday I went to physio and walked back with what felt like (and fell onto the ground.. twice..) 30 pounds of groceries.  But it was good to have fresh veggies and oddly nothing got broken or smashed.

I have learned my memory is crappy and I’m glad, I tell you.  But even people with good memories make stuff up.

Maybe there was something to Essiac…

Chipper sends word of dandelion tea and cancer…  and on November 2 updated me with this.  so NO dandelion in Essiac.  I always thought there was.

There have now been about thirty enquiries about the cafe… I know it’s a numbers game, but oh lord.

Here is a very good beginner level guide to layout and design.  

Velcro was developed for outer space, but it will be coming soon to an inner space near you…

And re resistant bacteria, more good news.  

Part of Miss Manners Has her Say, a song I wrote some years ago.

“You’re a very/religious person/offered drugs and porn/Enjoyment in/the evening is/repentance in the morn.”

And now there’s some science that is illuminating.



Incremental progress

Good news first, I have been asked to come in and talk to a recruiter this afternoon.  This is the closest I’ve gotten to genuine job hunting activity in months so I am obviously thrilled.

Bad news. I’ve lowered the price and still can’t get anybody interested in the cafe; I will have to break the lease.  HEAVY HEAVY SIGH.

Tarot for Atheists, a couple of hundred words’ worth of progress.

Turkey soup is on the stove – I will adjust seasoning shortly and then start freezing it in containers. Jeff can’t stand the smell of the bones, and has no idea how this sentence would have ended if I hadn’t backspaced over it.

Replaced cpap machine with one that smells a little less disgusting.  I must make a purchase decision within 2 weeks.

Completed writing down a song, converted it to midi and fired it off to mOm.  I only have another hundred songs to write out.  It really IS the Song That Never Ends.

Herewith today’s linkorama:

Crowdsourcing Tolstoy. 

This guy and guys like him are why I make no further efforts to date.

Fighting sexism… using MATH.

My cat wants an escape pod.

If you rape a girl and leave her naked outside in freezing weather, and you work for your family’s restaurant, and your local prosecutor despite eyewitnesses and video refuses to prosecute, and then the whole town turns on the rape victim and burns her house down, well, the internet just might give bad reviews to your restaurant.

Little yawning kitties.



Giant insect fear films r us

Okay, it’s an arachnid, but what-e-ver.  Gotta love that sense of humour!

I made bacon and egg and salad wraps on home made naan bread for breakfast this morning. I was kinda mean, I told Jeff I’d take him for breakfast and then cooked it instead, but he’s a trouper and ate without comment…  I really really love home made naan. It’s comfort food.

I have no idea why, but my digestion instantly improved three days ago and I am very much enjoying it.  Further to my sudden improvement I purchased a book called Gutbliss by an American women gastroenterologist, in which she talks about all the things that can go wrong with a modern female gut and how you can put it right.  Her opening comments about how gastroenterology has lost the plot and turned into ‘the endoscopy biz’ were very revealing, and she also said she’s learned about the gut not just in school and from her patients, but from a large selection of non traditional healers.  She still plumps for the “I want to see the evidence” but her three rules of dealing with gut issues are:

Talk to the patient, take time with the patient

Most people aren’t crazy even if their symptoms don’t make sense.  (!!!)

Think outside the box.

I am enjoying her writing style, which is vigorous and plain-spoken.  Yes, she has a line of products.  But I don’t see her making extreme claims for them, which is always pleasant.

I am exercising my shoulder very hard every day.  I can now visualize a complete recovery.  I could not two weeks ago.  I think I am going to go back into the biscotti business.  This was a temporary setback, not the end of the world.  Both of the folks I showed the shop two recently haven’t called back.  It’s actually kind of freeing.  I will leave the ad up until a few weeks from now, and then get back into it.  Huge to do list….. that never stops. 

Somebody said on twitter this morning that offense is taken, not given, and I have to say that’s bullshit. It completely ignores the power differential that exists throughout the continuum of a life between you and the rest of the world.  Powerful people give offense all the time.  They just don’t call it that.

I slept a little with the new mask and the cpap machine last night, but at some point I ripped it off again.  I have some kind of dysphagia (as is almost always the case with me, not enough to come to the attention of a doctor) and what ends up happening is I can’t swallow my spit properly with the mask going.  I swallow, my ears pop like a mofo, the spit is still there, and I’m lying there feeling like I’m drowning in spit.  Also, my breathing mechanics change a lot with the cpap machine and I don’t feel like I’m breathing enough… nothing feels natural and I end up holding my breath… which feels very weird because the whole POINT of having a cpap is to get enough O².





It’s a meme

This is me.

Why are hoomins moosical?

Yesterday was church, soup lunch (yay), a showing of the shop (we’ll see…), another nibble on the shop, meeting Ayesha, Paul and Keith’s new kitty (and dropping off Paul’s church directory for 2013 since it just was reprinted and heaven knows when he’ll be back at church with his crazy schedule) and it all started when Jeff took me out for breakfast, so that was yummy.

I loaned my camera to Rob W (as he was headed overseas) so he didn’t have to buy one.  Forgot to send him the transfer cables but I can deal with it when he gets back.

Breaking Bad.  One show to watch and finale next week.

Physio this morning.  I’ve been exercising lots.

It’s been rainy any cold.




It’s a sad long story

But if you want a brief good death, you might want to consider it.

There was a LONG convo on facebook this morning about people always wanting to know how somebody died.  I want to know so there wasn’t any suffering.  However, some people want to know so they can shame the dead for asking for it.  It was a really interesting conversation and I’m glad I participated.  I just don’t want to say the wrong thing, yanno?

Fraser Health is coming by the shop tomorrow to inspect it.  Good thing it’s clean and free of vermin.

I guess I have to announce a re-opening date.  I will advise the inspector that this will entirely depend on what my doc says.

Got some mando time in, happy sigh….

Great, there’s a new, big, formal, scary climate change denying group of scientists.  If they look right, they’re right, right?  The basic tenet is that nothing humans can do can change the climate.  Everything problematic about the climate is external to human beings.  In a sense, they are right, I suppose.  When it comes down, nothing humans can do will help, I spose.

Funniest thing about this is not the SKY DRAGON of bad climate science they want to slay, it’s the methane that’s going to come out of the ocean.  So let’s worry about SEADRAGONS instead.  Go on Jeff, I know you heard that the same way I did…

On reading Virtualis

On reading Virtualis.

The world is an urn and a flowerpot

whirled through a thousand fractures

presented as fresh each day

a new grief / a best guess

remonstrating with that first flame.

The catchment area of consciousness

manifesting without irony

ever pointing at pressure, heat & dispersal

no mouth, no eyes, and yet there is a record.


Sad to walk

under a pitted and still perfect moon

to speculate of other lives suspended

in that backdrop, radiant with stars.

For they are there, attending whirligig systems

and that distance can be spanned

with all these fragile linkages

the coded tithes of empathy

as my thoughts consent to be used this way.


I will imagine you, poet

perceiving me across this gulf

and lose all place and time

before a sky transformed into an altar.


Lady Miss Banjola explains it all for you

Pharmacy rant part 3  – regarding expiry dates.  Once you land on the site click the link to expand.  IT’S REALLY USEFUL for anybody who takes meds, and that’s all of us.

Managed to get in and out of church without tripping any wires, having fed Kira and picked up the mail, then fed Katie and Jeff brunch at The Heritage, went into the shop and figured out lighting and signage, Jeff figured out that in my tidying efforts I knocked the cable modem off line, but it’s all good.  Then a quick stop at the King Eddy for a baby mouse for Izzy, who once again is starving, then running Katie home for coming up on the last times, since she’s moving in on Wednesday.

Tomorrow is gonna be killer.