
Baumfest was awesome – and brief – I got there around 11 pm last night and left at 9:30 this morning.  I feel about as you might expect for 4 hours sleep.   It was wonderful singing “An Evening of Serious Drinking” with Brother Jerome in the circle – I wrote it for his 25th b-day uh… some… years ago.  He still likes it, so that’s good.

There was a SERIOUS baumfire there.  When I came in the fire was throwing heat at least two meters and it was still enough we didn’t get smoked out.  There were beautiful clouds reflecting the almost full moon – I love that cold, polarized light.

Their kids are growing fast and doing well – it was great seeing the kindergarten table and chairs, and the xylophone, getting some use by real children.

Jeff is coming next weekend, yay.

Off to Lexi’s for dins and fireworks now.

But ours is a love that can never be fulfilled….

Full marks if you get the movie reference.

Photo credit Getty.  The little horse is called Thumbelina.  She actually is more of a freak of nature than the big one, being a midget version of a miniature horse.  The big one is Radar, he’s a Belgian draft horse and he hails from Texas,  natch.


The rude awakening

At 1:52 this morning some bozoid rang my buzzer (which makes my phone ring, like less than two feet from my head) and said, and I quote, “I’m a good friend of the guy who lives in 431. Can you let me in?” In sepulchral tones, I replied, “I have no idea who you’re talking about” and hung up.

I’ve a mind to go abuse the guy in 431, but I won’t, he didn’t do anything.

I released two Bookcrossing books yesterday… they are gone! I am happy.

Paul and I had supper at the Himalaya last night to celebrate the fact that the house actually closed. He also brought me the camping equipment, for which I’d like to thank him. Baumfest tonight! No blogging from now until at least noon Friday unless somebody’s got wireless.