
Things keep happening in my personal life that are amusing and appalling and entertaining, and I have to keep my mouth shut.  I feel like a kid on the wrong side of a bathroom door, dancing up and down and clutching my cameltoe, but no, no talky about any of those things that are on my mind, whatever the infelt urgency.  I think that there aren’t many kinds of human speech; bragging, stroking, complaining, and sharing information. I want to brag 80% and share information 20% and those proportions make for long odds against my hypothetical communiqué being of interest to even my mother, who has had little use for tiresome blowhards as long as I can remember. With this sad and frustrated concession to common sense, good manners and self-interest, all things I show little respect for under most circumstances, I must turn my attention to other things and not splash my business about in an irresponsible or tasteless fashion.

Okay, that’s enough whining, nobody frikkin’ cares.  On the plus side, Katie was here and we blasted through a whole bunch of recorded television.  Last ep True Blood, season openers for NCIS, House and Castle.  Yup, sat through 5 hours of tv today, but at least I got the f=cking DVR on without calling Jeff at work for the nth-t-nth time.  Also, got one more song written down, being Cash Flow… a sweet little tune.  In the last couple of days I got Calliope and Wish it was Mine done too, or did I report on that already (grumbling fuddy duddy noises.)

The weather has been g for glorious.

To my joy and astonishment

Keith and Mike accompanied me to the Jericho Beach Folk Club last night, where we saw Lauren Sheehan.  As always, I can’t recommend who I saw there highly enough.  She played a Guild.  A couple of times I closed my eyes and I could hear John playing.  Here’s a taste…. although she was solo, no bass or harmonica last night.  Also, she played one kick ass banjo.

Lynn sang Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah (we all joined in on the choruses) and I was crying by the end of it.  I saw my first resonator ukelele last night; the man playing it was UNBELIEVABLE.  All in all an amazing evening.  I didn’t get to play, and I don’t care.

Productive day

Jeff and I emptied out the last storage locker (saving $1200 a year) and did a bit of a shop.  The Commercial Drive Can Car truck rattled and squeaked like what it is, the highest mileage car in the fleet, and when I got to our place the s.o.b. wouldn’t start again; sounds like the starter motor is going.  The third time I fired up I got lucky and while it was running I called the office and gave them my sad tale.  Then I scooted back to drop it off and then Jeff got me and we went to Main St, where both of us realized that we’d forgotten John’s Jukes is closed on Mondays so no rubber bumpers for us.  As a consolation prize I went to Kam’s and got egg tarts and red bean pastries (best I have ever eaten).  Managed to get within eyeshot of Pulp Fiction without buying anything.

So now of course, after finding a home for all our furniture, books, etc we have to squeeze down again.  I’m considering buying shelving to put in the guest room, it being the last place I can think of in the house that has anything resembling room.

Keith came over yesterday and we had another Homicide fest.  I LOVE that show, there has been one lame episode in five seasons so far and even the lamest episode has something to recommend it.  Also, it’s funny seeing Michelle Forbes (who plays the massively loathesome Marianne in True Blood) before she got her teeth redone and playing an intelligent and likeable (albeit buggo) character.  She has one of the best voices in TV.

I also worked away on “Wish it was Mine” which is one of my fave songs of mine, just because it’s so passionate about the ways in which men and women are always misunderstanding each other, and yet is so very short.  Brevity is one of the things I like best in my own work; even if you hate it, it will be over soon.

Katie is coming over or I’m going down to New West at some point today.

Apocalypto without subtitles

Jeff, sensing that with Keith and ScaryClown present he could fire up this movie, did so.

We watched without subtitles.

I thought it was an amazing movie.  All I ask of a film is : Take me to a place I haven’t been before.

Mel Gibson is like the Ezra Pound of filmmaking.  He’s an anti-Semite with some babbleworthy ideas, but by Beelzebub’s britches can that man make a film (or in Ezra’s case, write poetry for the ages).

Two minds

I am of two minds about this article.

Part of me says, Oh this is great it’s really helping people.

The other part says, “What she is doing is still easier than lobbying for better public transportation in the land of the Great God Car.”

I applied for a job yesterday.  I am already having second thoughts about a year off.  I may forget how to work for others entirely if I don’t get going.