a miscellany of news items

So Paul dragged me out of the house for a walk yesterday (I wore my cloak, as it was the perfect weather for it) and while we were walking up Davies Dave the Plumber and his wife tried to run us down in his truck while we cowered in fear.

Uh, no, but I can imagine somebody watching thinking that.  Dave, a devout Sikh and one of the best plumbers and pipefitters in the lower mainland, has a puckish sense of humour.  We chatted for a bit and continued on with our walk, much amused by our ‘near miss’.

When Paul and I first got this house outfitted for a gas stove, Dave did the work.  I came back from my first interview with (previous x 2 company) all bubbly and happy and then I got all sad face because when I asked how the work was coming on and both Paul and Dave with straight faces said “Terrible, it’s not working”, and then when I got testy they burst out laughing.  They had not actually prearranged this little gag so you can see why Paul and Dave were two peas in a pod.  I am thankful to know such good tradesmen, and I particularly thank him for the amazing work he did when the ‘spring’ happened in the back yard at the Augur Inn.

Paul’s on course for six weeks and has weekends off and no nights.  I’m sure he’ll enjoy that.

Jeff is still feeling crappy but he took some small amount of food yesterday.

The idiot ex has quit harassing Katie.

Keith came in to the office on Friday and we played Forbidden Island with the D-man.

I made borscht for the Sasamat soup lunch this morning.  It is FREAKING AWESOME, but I betcha I’m gonna be musical in the office tomorrow.

I have one more load of laundry to do and then all my laundry will be clean.

I told the Worship committee Easter will be my last homily for Beacon, as I am going to have a stressful 2012-13 year at church (I am taking on a much bigger role in terms of governance) and I need to reduce stressors big time.  I think King Jesus is a great topic and I’m going to be going out with a ‘bang’ so to speak.

I have decided that I am going to write a book about customer service.  mOm is going to help me with it.

I took food to Sue on Friday; her knee is ow-ie.  I asked her how the hell she’s going to be in two plays between now and the middle of May and she laughed and said that the roles require her to be in bed for most of the shows.  I thought this was a stupendous coincidence and congratulated her on what appeared to be prescience.

I have pulled so much fur off Margot in the last three days (she’s doing the spring shed) that she’s having existential angst as it appears to her I’ve pulled a Margot-equivalent of fur off her already and she doesn’t understand that she can still be here.

Well, it’s that time again.  I’m doing the coffee in church today so I won’t be upstairs listening to the service.  Tom’s friend is being memorialized this afternoon so no rehearsal for my new song to be performed in church, we’re hoping Monday night now.

If you don’t have a will please write it up now.

Without TOO much detail

Let’s just say I haven’t been this concerned with a family member’s bowel movements since Katie was in onesies.

Keith is coming for lunch today.

Those two statements have nothing to do with each other.

PS.  If you are over 40 and don’t have a will, f(kk  you.  Poor Tom lost another friend this past week and he died intestate.  And now Tom is getting sucked into yet another emotio-legal friend dying intestate mess, with a side of ‘and he owned a business’.

That’s better

Katie is fine…. thanks, but she has visited the police and detailed her current woes, with a witness in tow, and so hopefully the unhelpful behaviour will stop.  I am very proud of her – she dealt with it as an adult, with no fanfare and no pissing and moaning.


Tonight I’m going to go home and COLLAPSE. I am so tired, and the constant changes in the weather do not help.

Irksome news

Puddled last night with Tom, Peggy, Paul and Katie.  Feel MUCH better today in body, although my schnorker is still rather congested.

Got irksome news from Katie.  Since people I really don’t like read this blog I’ll leave it at that except to say that she has it under control and she’s taking it as seriously as it needs to be taken.

Keith has interesting developments in his personal life of which I can say no more.

My personal developments consist of telling guys who want to have sex with me without reference to anything resembling a relationship to come the fuck out as poly and work on their goddamn communication skills.  But nicer than that, I’m occasionally capable of compassion.

2020 says how badly I wanted to out this dude but I dint

A total stranger watched me drop my phone and returned it to me via the restaurant I dropped it outside.  Paul fetched it for me.  How can I think I live someplace uncivilized under those circumstances?


I have to sell Ziva.  She’s going on Craigslist as soon as I get my ass home tonight.


I have been asked to use a new piece of software at work, but the instant I tried to log in, I found a problem.

The password is password.


I can’t change the password.  I advised my contact.

I’ve been told the software company responsible for this affrrrrront to the 21st century has been advised …. shouldn’t they just be taken out, lightly whipped and then dismissed?  Perhaps not.  Okay, how about mocked and then dismissed….

Laughing so hard I hurt myself

I just read on about.com (in a column about “The Worst Car You Ever Owned”) “Owning this car was like being married to A Supermodel with a Cocaine Problem.”

The latest round of repairs to Ziva appears to have more or less fixed the running rough on start up issue, and the rad had to be replaced because it was leaking and we have indoor outdoor cats.  This will stop rad fluid from getting into the head gaskets.  Thus the amusement about the above noted comment.

Margot’s blookhy eye is MUCH better, the pus is less, the redness almost entirely absent, although she yowls like a serval when I grab her to put the eyegoop from the vet in her eye.  I need to trim her whiskers again, as they curl back into her eye and I think that’s what caused this last ailment.

I am coughing, sneezing, wheezing and I feel like I’ve broken a rib.  Everybody in the house has been sick with a cold; feline and primate cheerfully shedding virus all over each other.

Music 2night with Cindy, possibly Paul too, who knows.  I think I’ll stick with playing, because all that comes out when I actually sing is a hideous croaking noise.

Sunday I go corrupt the minds of our youth.  Yes, I am participating in youth RE and talking about “My Life So Far.”

Creeping down a hallway – SG1


In ¾ time

The stated goal of SGC is acquiring alien tech
For which we risk our hearts and minds
Not just our pretty necks
Woolsey and Kinsey on the earth
The Gou’ald in space to vex
But I know it’s true, and I know you do too
What’s going to happen next

In polka time

Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms
Did you bring enough grenades (yes sir)
Did you bring enough C4 (indeed)
Blowing shit up real good always helps esprit de corps
Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms


My name is Daniel Jackson I dig artifacts from dirt
My heart is soft, my head is not, I help the lost and hurt
My love life isn’t much these days, it’s mostly with Death I flirt
My newfound badass’ry fights Goa’uld asshatt’ry and so I stay alert

When I’m
Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms
Jack did you bring more grenades, Sam did you bring more C4?
Teal’c blow up that mothership and make Apophis roar!
Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms.

My name is Sheppard, look at all the troubles that I’ve got
I woke the Wraith and now my days are quite intense and fraught
Rodney saves my bacon though, his timing sure hits the spot
But I know it’s true and I know you do too, how we advance the plot

Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms
Did you bring enough grenades, did you bring enough C4?
Don’t turn off the gravity, the ceiling’s now the floor!
Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms

If violence is not the answer why bring Greer along?
He needs his CO (badly) to determine right from wrong
All he wants is guns to shoot and heads to beat like a gong
He wants to turn Rush into colourful mush, but he is holding strong

Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms
Are you really there at all? Are you really who you say?
Pencil necks and aliens keep getting in my way!
Creeping down a hallway x2
Creeping down a hallway, a P90 in my arms

Katie here

Katie and I got to gab for about three hours last night, and it was AWESOME.  She’s really a remarkable person; when she talks about the elders in the care facility she works at her voice is full of such joy and tenderness and humour that it just gives me the shivers.

She’s finally gotten her hours back, as her nemesis quit or was fired, we’re not sure, and so she’s looking forward to getting her own apartment.  And not.  We talked about that for a good long while.


http://www.uni-mainz.de/eng/15114.php <—- article on training to manage tinnitus.

A new member of the family

I have to apologize for the title, ’cause mOm has specific ideas about what constitutes family and I’m being a bit more general.

This afternoon I’m going to a friend’s place and in the company of some church worthies gang interview a prospective minister.  If it doesn’t work out we’ll be all, like, sadface primate, and if it looks hopeful we’ll be hooting and hollering. And if’s meh, we’ll deal as always.

Why I really despise the generalist theory of mind

In the very last analysis, there is truth to the generalist theory of mind, in that one mind is generally in one body, and certainly only demonstrably in one body.  But as for the rest of it psittacosis and pish tosh.  Mind is not run by a big computer, whose job it is to run the mind; it is a series of ever more complicated and intertwined subroutines, all cobbled together in the Darwinian now, the correct operation of which dances on a knife edge of probabilities, diet, mental hygiene, (which is a damnably vague term but by which I mean all mood and emotional regulation states, good or bad, which might have a feedback effect on the operation of any part of cognition, and yes I consider mood part of cognition)  hormones and whatever happened to you in the first two years of your life.  Oh yeah, and I left out genes, epigenetic factors, locale, employment, forced migration, social support structure, status, weather effects, fitness, weight, moon phases, disease, radiation, poison, allergens, artificial light, noise pollution, pet ownership and television. (Notice that I left out gender, Richard?)  These, as I hope I am making clear, are all able to affect the ability of the human body to ‘run’ anything resembling a mind.

I will speak of something else which I know about the mind.  I had the privilege of working with the Arrowsmith Cohen School in Toronto when I was in my early twenties. (Josh Cohen, who never recovered from the divorce, died in New York City and it’s now the Arrowsmith School).  I was exposed to some dazzling ideas and saw scientifically replicable evidence about the inherent plasticity of the human brain.  The consequence of all that I learned was that I started to really believe that the human brain is busted out into cognitive departments; some parts of your brain deal with what’s coming in and some with what’s going out and some with what’s in the middle. These ‘parts’ are not imaginary but based in physical locations in the brain, which vary somewhat from person to person but are usefully similar in most people.  I sat with this knowledge, or I should say altered perception, of cognition, for many years, turning it over and over in my mind like an old primate looking at a particularly interesting rock.  It was possible to change the brain.  To learn what had been considered unlearnable; to unlock different personalities in children as different cognitive abilities bloomed.

When I looked at the idea of a physical idea of mind and looked at it side by side with all the things which affect the mind, I began to see cognition as this immense matrix of, as I said, probabilities, and each outcome was affected by the physical status of the brain versus what was cognitively required of the human organism at that time.


So.  The point I stagger towards with drunken resolve is that armed with this information it should be possible not just to come up with a theory of mind, but it should be possible to come up with a theory of your OWN mind.  You would do this by experimenting on yourself.  What effects do various life situations have on your cognition?  You can measure it, and at the end of it, especially if you have enough buddies doing the same thing, (giving you a sample against which you may judge what is going on) you will know, whether or not you’ve had a drop to drink, if you are good to drive.  Because you won’t just be thinking about blowing over; you will know for a fact that if you’ve experienced a number of events which upset your cognition or ability to respond in driving situations.  Even if you’re upset you’ll still be able to make a judgment, because you’ll have a theory of your own mind.  God is not outside you; it’s the human ability to detach from the meat and consider the whole that makes the notion of God even possible.  Or so I think, I’ve been wrong, and I’ll think something else tomorrow anyway.

Another example.  If you know when you are ovulating, you will be able to tell what effect this extremely important event is having on your cognition.  It will make you want to participate in pre pregnancy activities; do you want to go with it, or do the consequences appall?  It’s better to be able to think about it.  You can force yourself to think about it.

Another example.  You are making a life changing decision.  You have an hour to make it in and then the opportunity or challenge will be gone.  Do you eat something before you make a decision, and under what circumstances is it better to eat nothing than eat something that will upset your cognition?

Another example.  You have learned that getting enough exercise is absolutely crucial for the proper functioning of your cognition, and yet you do not do it.  What do you have to do and which parts of your brain do you need to stoke to be able to make, break, reset and make emotional adjustments to long term habits?

You are living in a basement with one window and there is black mold in the bathroom.  You are unemployed and you can’t even surf the internet at home so you’re watching a lot of TV, that being the only amenity in your ‘apartment’.  You can’t eat anything unless you microwave it as you have no real cooking facilities.  Your girlfriend just broke up with you, two of your brothers are currently not speaking to you because of something your best friend did at a family wedding, your mother has cancer and your dad is a drunken jackass.  You live with your parents but you have to use a separate entrance because you’re “not welcome upstairs unless invited” and you aren’t often invited; in fact sometimes they have family meals without inviting you.  You are terrified of spiders and your room is full of them.

To improve your cognition… what should you address first?

If you really had a practical model of mind, you could answer that question.  The answer would be different for each person.  I think that it’s actually possible to come up with a personalized mind matrix which would yield useful results about 80 percent of the time.  That makes me crazy, and I hope everybody understands that it doesn’t make any of the really amazing things in life worse or less poetic.  I write songs continuously; every time I see a bird fly my heart sings and breaks simultaneously at the beauty and impermanence of things; and yet I sometimes wish I had an angel of my own construction sitting on my shoulder and guiding my deeds on the basis of which activities would lead me to have the best cognition.

When you have an overview, as I feel I do, sometimes tested by experience and mostly supported by science, of how your own mind works, you realize that there is not one overseeing program.  Everything about you, from your personality to the way you sleep, is run by a separate part of your brain, or coordinated parts of your brain.  The coordination efforts are like friends holding hands and walking forward into the dark; there isn’t one big ‘overseeing body’; it can look like that when all the friends are working together well.  And when they work together, it’s flow, and it’s beautiful, and powerful, and outside of time and place.  If something weird with bloodflow or plaques or nutrition or oxygen supply or whacky proteins or enzymes occurs, mind can come to a hiccuping halt.

Like this rant.  Thanks for stopping by.

Added bonus.