Fiction and non fiction

I am in the process of writing a near future / SF novel which contains a kind of computer virus called (in the story) a nukeworm.

Then I read this.

Would anybody care to speculate what Phase II is likely to be?  In my story, a politically (as in wanting to change behavior of certain individuals) not criminally (as in MONEY) motivated group of hackers uses the nukeworm to harvest social networking information.  In real life…… ai-yi.

CAN car messenjah, Penny partay, enough sleep.

So I agreed to take the billing info from the two cars up here on the hill into the folks at CAN each month, and I’ve been so busy dating I hadn’t done it until last night.  I gave Katie K a call and she met up with me and we did the wanderaround together, which is way more fun than wandering around alone, and I got beer at the Granville station and she mentioned that there is a get together of a bunch of her relations and friends at the Penny on Hastings, so we hit that just as the mob was leaving and ate really superlative greasy spoon Chinese food.  Then we came back here and crashed like a British paratrooper (extremely poor taste reference) since between her recent dental surgery and my white nights we were just this side of exhausted.  I actually got enough sleep last night which is amazing – I’ve been experiencing a lot of sleep deprivation.

Last night I dreamed that I was a man wearing a robe and I had to scold a girl about 6 years old for abandoning her post. (She was playing with another little girl instead of listening to a monitoring device.) I was so angry I turned away from her so I wouldn’t immediately start yelling, and she obligingly got up and stood in front of me so I could start my tirade. Then I woke up.

Katie K says she dreamed that she kept trying to introduce me to myself and I kept saying that I wasn’t interested.

Those two dreams taken side by side are pretty funny, especially in Jungian terms.  I must go away and think about them.

Sundry and various

Door #1

Being: A stop motion cardboard box race taking place in a university library.

Door #2

Being: A brief, briefly surreal ad about why you should adopt a dog.

Door #3

Being: An ad for ‘anti-gravity boots’. Accurate if the ‘anti-gravity’ involved is how people will smirk when they see you wearing these…

Door #4

Being: A man sets up a neighborhood speed trap with a hair dryer, and records the results. I should have seen the punch line coming.

Door #5

Being: Further proof that a picture is worth a thousand words. You don’t need to speak German to ‘get’ this site.

Door #6

Being: Johann Lipowicz deconstructing a Paul Young song in mime. A lot funnier than it sounds, especially around 3:09.

Door #7

Being: How Australians deal with stupid tourist questions with joie de vivre.