Charity, defined here, here, and here, begins at home, or so they say. Continue reading For the love of charity
Category: Domestic Life
Want some
World’s strongest beer. I believe they gave the naming rights to a drunken comedian. Continue reading Want some
Parmesan pepper garlic scallion bread is on to bake
I continue my puttering. Margot’s bath video should be up on my youtube site shortly. If you hear something quacking like a duck…. that’s her. Keith’s commentary is so droll, and when he pans up to look at Jeff, that’s pretty funny too.
How not to stay in business….
So I’m reading this, and then I think, I wonder if the restaurant has been reviewed.
My laundry is all done and put away. The kitchen floor is blindingly clean and the rugs have been cleaned and dried and put back down. The upstairs cat litter tray has been cleaned and the contents replaced with clean fill. I will be posting Margot’s bath to youtube shortly. I copied out the lyrics of the airforce songs for Paul, Tom and Peggy. Next up, vacuuming and breadmaking. The homily, which was coming along nicely when I was blowing over last night, is not so great today. I know what I want to say, but finding a kindly and honest way of saying it when I want to dance up and down and screech is not possible at present. Just because I’m passive aggressive doesn’t mean that I don’t want to get mediaeval…. I dealt with a bizarre internet display font issue this morning by not panicking, and sure enough, the solution was on line and easy to apply.
I am having a happily humdrum and productive day.
Looking around at the world
The perfect library job for somebody…. Archivist for the Grateful Dead.
Too long, didn’t read.
My meeting with Serge the composer went great but he wants me to refine what the hell it is I really want to accomplish while he’s teaching me music, so I am going to think about that and get back to him. We both like Hans Zimmer and James Horner, no surprise. He was amazingly generous and collaborative in the hour and a half I spent with him, and he taught me two important things about scoring for films which I had not really understood before.
Serge is on the 144 bus line, which also goes to SFU, and then I had lunch at the old office and said hi to folks. Then I went to Surrey and got stood up by my date. I didn’t mind, I had wireless and drank a latte. And some guy chatted me up on the way out, can you believe it? Anyway, I hope dude is okay, and that it was just a communication snag… there’s no sense complaining about somebody’s behaviour until you have an explanation, and for all I know his neighbour’s dogs savaged him.
Speaking of which, I was walking back to the house (my bike has two flat tires) with $50 of meat yesterday and I ran into a loose pitbull. Man, for one brief second I was terrified, and then I realized from the animal’s body language that it had no intention of coming near me whether I had ten pounds of pork chops, stew beef and bratwurst on me, or not.
All of my bus connections today were zippity. Very nice.
Jeff reminded me that I was supposed to get the cats dry food today, and I forgot.
Busy day
Today I am going to go and see a music teacher who lives close by to see if I can take lessons; then I’m going up to my old workplace for lunch; then I’m going to Surrey for a while, and then I should be home for supper. This is the most I’ve been on transit since the fireworks last summer.
Last night Tom and Peggy and Paul and Keith came over for broiled pork chop, cauliflower and home made cheese sauce, salad, cole slaw, corn and garlic bread. Dessert was fresh fruit and pecan torte. It was all nommers. Then we sang and played for a while.
I light a candle for everybody killed and injured at Fort Hood yesterday. I am sure there will be an uptick in attacks on furrin brown people as a consequence. I light a candle for the man who thought he could made a contribution to world peace by slaughtering his fellow soldiers. It’s just so grisly, and so wrong.
Another day without beer
I haven’t had any beer in three days. I think this is the longest I’ve gone without drinking beer for at least three years. Somehow going to Ontario made me less susceptible to its bubbly siren song. I certainly have noticed now that I am drinking coffee as an occasional stimulant and much less beer that my digestion is better than it has been in years.
Last night I cooked roast beef and home made gravy, side of horseradish, potatoes and onions done around the roast, peas and carrots, broccoli and spinach and brussels sprouts, yorkshire pudding (one recipe yields 12 pudding-lets) and others had ice cream for dessert but I skipped that part. I had a wonderful time preparing it and eating it, and watching Paul, Jeff, Katie and Keith demolish it. Frankly I think Katie enjoyed it most. She’s trying to cut sugar out of her diet and her eyes lit up when she saw all the vegetables. As Catherine said, at this time of year the produce in Canada is quite astonishing.
Today I have many ugly tedious chores to perform, a list of which would likely be more detail than any sane reader could bear. I hope to squeeze writing down one song in there… I am also hoping to listen to the two albums Dave gave me all the way through. And more Homicide… we’re close to the end now. The show ran 7 seasons and it’s been my constant companion for months now.
He should be glad he didn’t find it in France.
And now for something completely different.
Ten reasons I love Val Kilmer.
1. He once punched out Tom Cruise. (On the set of Top Gun).
2. Madmartigan in Willow.
3. Jim Morrison in the Doors.
4. Ray Levoi in Thunderheart.
5. Doc Holliday in Tombstone.
6. Heart heart heart Chris Knight in Real Genius.
7. He named his kids something reasonable. Jack and Mercedes are sane names, in my view.
8. He THOUGHT about running for Governor of New Mexico and decided against it.
9. He helps with wildlife rehabilitation.
10. He’s slept with Joanne Whalley, the lucky dog.
Sundry and various
I have returned to the land of my furball, who trotted to the door as soon as I came in at 11:15 am yesterday. I did laundry and lazed about.
Paul was providentially making a pork roast for the masses and me, Keith, Kate, Tom, Peggy, Jeff and Paul all sat down at a table yesterday and pigged right out. It was a succulent roast, and in addition to being highly edible, prevented me from having to actually, you know, like, cook on my first day back, although I did do the meat for tacos tonight.
Prior to inviting us over he said on the phone, “You sound really tired; you should take a nap.”
I was laughing as I hung up the phone. So I wrote a song. It’s a vaguely Latin sounding thing which is supposed to have mariachi style brass. (Added later…. it’s E B7 which is according to the magical internet – is a simple latin chord progression. )
There are friends
We run to when
We’re looking for advice
And the quality may vary
But the concern is nice
There are friends who give us
A verbal kiss
Others deliver a slap
But I like my friend Paul’s advice
When he says TAKE A NAP
Take a nap, dear
You know that you will feel much better
Have a glass of water first
Maybe put on your favourite sweater
This go go go
This rush rush rush
It’s a capitalist trap
If you want your life back
Prove it:
Take a nap.
I know you can’t hear it, but the mariachi brass is very nice.
Yes, Catherine’s many forays into Mexican and Central American food during my stay left a big mark on my psyche; I’ll be shopping today for ingredaments for the feast this evening. I detect a trip to Granville Island Market in my future. I can hardly wait to try my tortilla press. And there is nothing in the fridge. No beer, no milk, little veg, no leftovers; I have my work cut out for me.
I’m trying not to drink alcoholic beverages on Wednedays and Sundays; Dave fed me beer on Wednesday so I skipped last night.
I suppose I should talk a little more about my vacation. More:
Emotional pointillism
Yesterday’s practical job interview was a disaster, but a low key one. I’m not displeased with the haircut Katie gave me in the course of the interview, but I’d like to take the woman who supervised her and fire her at high velocity from the deck of the Iron Workers’ Memorial Bridge… in effigy, of course, I do not advocate violence except when in an excited and irrational frame of mind, which advocacy, when it occurs, I am obliged to immediately retract as being contrary to both my core self interest and my belief system, spindrift as it is. Katie was philosophical about it, which helps.
I googled Glenn Beck to find out what church he goes to, subsequent to learning that he blames atheism for the end of the American dream. Personally I blame their judicial system, which, skipping hand in hand with television over the last 60 years, has f|cked the Americans to the point where recovery into a society where self-governance and personal responsibility are considered virtues seems very unlikely. Anyway, Glenn Beck, a Mormon, blames atheism. It’s a lot like blaming Canada in its charming looniness … and it sure as f8ck is easier than looking in a mirror. Of course me blaming the judicial system without pointing to the interconnected power structures which have allowed Glenn Beck to make fabulous amounts of money by being emotional, uncommitted to the facts and verbally abusive to people who haven’t ever done anything to him personally, would be very remiss, but the courts could have done more in the last 60 years and they haven’t, so they are the notional cat I kick this morning.
Marc Emery was taken into custody on Monday. He’s a manic self-publicist with a libertarian messianic complex and a smoking hot wife. I still don’t think he should have been extradited. I hope he isn’t injured or murdered in custody; I hope he comes out of it sane, or at least as sane as he is now. I am very angry at the Canadian government, but as long as we have Harper, it’ll be like this. I knew Marc when I weighed 132 pounds and wore aviator frames so I guess I am biased.
After the interview disaster in the late afternoon (softened by the Seabus ride somewhat) I took the girls (Cassie, Kashka and Katie) for a drink at drink. Yes, the department of redundancy department has made adjustments, and there is a new drinking hole for adults who wish to have a conversation and properly constructed drinks. This new establishment does not use drink mixes. The music is not turned up full blast; the wait staff are attentive, professional and fun. I am booking Katie’s 21st bday party now! 609 Columbia for anybody who is interested.
Today is a day of packing and worrying. I f|cking hate travelling, but if you want to get someplace you have to travel, alas and oy vey iz mir. Jeff says, mimicking piteous kitten for comic effect, “But what will I eat?” He’ll be fine of course. He got the Margot grooming course; she bitched at him exactly the same way she bitches at me, so that will be fine too.
I closed all the windows permanently in preparation for winter. The air conditioner needs to get put away, except I’m damned if I can figure out where.
I’ve decided not to take my computer on my trip; but that’s only because the notion of backing it up before I leave makes me all exhausted. I’ll take pot luck on internet access; I don’t imagine it will be much of an issue, as everybody I’ll be visiting has some.
Currently, it is raining.
I made mini-cinnamon crunchies yesterday and gave some to Landpeer Kim with the rent cheques for the next three months. I had to do something after she gave me all those home grown tomatoes. Yum! Also, I invented the recipe while I was making it. The two people I thank most for my current ability to cook are Catherine and Paul. Catherine because of her very inspiring adventurousness, Paul because I got kinda competitive with him in the ‘not using a recipe’ department. Now I feel like I’m a good cook almost without thinking about it. I can’t remember the last time I cooked something inedible; the worst thing I cooked in the last year were those dreadful muffins; they induced heartburn of world class immensity.
My back is really bothering me, which is another reason why I do not want to fly. Or rent a car. Silly me.
I light a candle for those killed and homeless in consequence of the earthquakes and flooding in the Philippines and Indonesia.
People keep sending me links I’ve already posted to my blog, in one case two years earlier. It is to smirk.
I had a lovely conversation with Patricia the other day and look forward to catching up with her live upon my return.
I am a cool hunter. One hundred thousand years ago I would have been finding tasty things to eat for my kids and grandkids. It’s the same, but only different, as an ex-coworker of mine used to remark.
MilkDrop is a superlative visualization plug in. Highly recommended; trippy as all get out. I occasionally have to look at the ground when the presets go into migraine-inducing territory but that’s my only complaint.
I am emotionally sensitive to certain wavelengths of light. The more I consider this, the more I think, what?
I can hardly wait for the first snowfall so I can take video of Miss Margot.
She is very rotund. We will have to start meal feeding the cats, which is harsh.
I have decided never to take her to my parents’. Given her unaccountable urge to tangle herself up in people’s legs as they are going up the stairs, the prospect that she would either trip and kill one of my folks or get crushed by accident is too much to bear.
Not much to report….
Paul had a lovely time in Ontario and picked up, oddly, placemats for us. We now have matching placemats for as many people as we would ever feed, which is really cool in a 1950’s kinda way. Going retro…
Jeff went to a Vancouver Giants hockey game last night. When he got here Keith and I were still up so we watched the Castle season opener.
My eyes are trashed – I wore my contacts for about 4 hours yesterday and now I feel like I’m hungover, they are so gritty and sore. Keith says I should start out at two hours and gradually increment.
Your morning cute. This is an a to z animal – ass to zebra.
Productive day
Jeff and I emptied out the last storage locker (saving $1200 a year) and did a bit of a shop. The Commercial Drive Can Car truck rattled and squeaked like what it is, the highest mileage car in the fleet, and when I got to our place the s.o.b. wouldn’t start again; sounds like the starter motor is going. The third time I fired up I got lucky and while it was running I called the office and gave them my sad tale. Then I scooted back to drop it off and then Jeff got me and we went to Main St, where both of us realized that we’d forgotten John’s Jukes is closed on Mondays so no rubber bumpers for us. As a consolation prize I went to Kam’s and got egg tarts and red bean pastries (best I have ever eaten). Managed to get within eyeshot of Pulp Fiction without buying anything.
So now of course, after finding a home for all our furniture, books, etc we have to squeeze down again. I’m considering buying shelving to put in the guest room, it being the last place I can think of in the house that has anything resembling room.
Keith came over yesterday and we had another Homicide fest. I LOVE that show, there has been one lame episode in five seasons so far and even the lamest episode has something to recommend it. Also, it’s funny seeing Michelle Forbes (who plays the massively loathesome Marianne in True Blood) before she got her teeth redone and playing an intelligent and likeable (albeit buggo) character. She has one of the best voices in TV.
I also worked away on “Wish it was Mine” which is one of my fave songs of mine, just because it’s so passionate about the ways in which men and women are always misunderstanding each other, and yet is so very short. Brevity is one of the things I like best in my own work; even if you hate it, it will be over soon.
Katie is coming over or I’m going down to New West at some point today.
Summer and fall mix it up
The weather has been going back and forth, back and forth between summer and fall. It was pretty hot yesterday. I mowed the lawn. I wish it was the last time for this season, but I imagine I’ll have to do it sometime again in October.
Paul called from Ontario to wish himself a happy birthday (that was pretty funny, actually) and to get the update on Dave. He also mentioned he’d be going to visit Chipper on the way back from his canoe trip with Tish and Terry and Margo (Tish’s cousin). That should be fun for all concerned.
Jeff’s taking the day off. He bet me $20 (and remember, I don’t normally gamble) that he’d a) get Xenon running b) get the Xbox diagnosed (it failed yesterday when Keith fired it up, causing much unhappiness, and it’s an E74 failure mode, whatever that is, which is apparently so common it automatically extends your warranty) and c) get the new media box running the way he wants it to by bedtime tonight (or possibly tomorrow morning). Knowing what I know about the ‘total depravity of inanimate things’ (Katharine Walker) I took that bet. … actually, it turns out that Xenon is being a fussy gussy, so I am not going to collect; I thought it was too much when Jeff suggested his busy day.
Joke of the day
A mathematician walks into a bar and asks for ten times the number of drinks anyone else normally has.
“Wow!” says the barkeep, “That’s an order of magnitude.” (Stolen from the front page of reddit).
Okay, so yesterday was a little intense. I got up thinking “I am a lazy sea cow,” and immediately went to the computer and, start to finish, got “Brew Your Own” done. Chords, lyrics, da works. Then I went to the kitchen and cleaned it, including the bottom of the stove where gross stuff had leaked out of the last couple of pies, and putting away everything that had gone ahoo, and taking out the recycling, and cleaning the sinks, and the stove top and the counters. Then I shined two pairs of shoes, dusted the treadmill, ran a load of laundry, hung pegs in the hallway, hung my guitar hangers, and then Katie came over and got completely caught up with True Blood and showed me her new tattoo (Katie has ONE SIZE IN TATTOOS. LARGE), so Kiss it and a big pair of lips are now tattooed on her butt. I am very glad Katie is living where she is as she is obviously much mentally healthier than she used to be, but she’s turning into a damned big canvas. Next tat will be a Tenniel illustration, either the caterpillar or the cat, behind her ears. Anyway, while Katie was here I wrote two new songs and wrote down the lyrics… I’ll be practicing the songs enough today to be able to transcribe them into Songwriter. At this rate I’ll never catch up, but I’m smiling this morning… and I got enough sleep, too.
I think I should always be taking vitamin D, the change in my mood since I started taking it has been amazing.
long post
I bagged on the puddle yesterday, but in good news, I have lost ten pounds since I quit working and the trend continues. Who the hell knew that eating less and exercising more would work? I am looking forward to v..e..r..y slowly losing the rest of it. Keith is dragging me out to exercise today. Paul and Keith and Katie went jogging on Saturday, can you credit it? I thought it was happening at one, so I was shopping on Main St. I bought…. a pick guard. Two instrument wall hangers. A gig bag to replace the trashed one which Eddie whizzed on. It was trashed before Eddie whizzed on it; I hated the damned thing and the zippers were junk. I came this close to getting a guitar stand, but no. Margot continues to enjoy her cat toy, to the extent that she came and slept with it while it was charging on my bed last night. Although her appearance in my room was probably triggered by Eddie permacrabbing at her in the hallway last night. Yes, I permanently mounted a power bar a railing on my bunk bed. There are four items plugged into it currently, three of them chargers for various gadgetty things. Nascar yesterday. I am starting to like it, because when I watch it I go into this really creative zone. Whatever works. I solved a story problem while watching the race yesterday and went upstairs to write it down. At one point a car spun out, exploding grass divots into the air at 150 miles an hour, and then ‘wearing’ said grass divots as it went into Pit Road. Keith and I looked at each other, and Keith said, “Camouflage; you’re doing it wrong!” which cracked me up. It even went back onto the track with grass stuck in the bumper, reminding me irresistibly of a muscleman with spinach in his teeth. I can’t leave a message for Katie because Daxus filled her mailbox. Katie just shrugs. Since the phone’s in my name, I’m going to block it his number for her; she’s looking for work right now and it’s essential that she have access to her voicemail. Thursday Brian C. and Chari are coming over for dinner and la musica. Mike will be free that evening and bring that sweet electric twelve string he recently rescued from his parent’s basement. It makes everything sound like a Byrds song. Today…. all the things I haven’t been doing, like getting my taxes mailed off and booking a truck to empty the storage locker, and maybe, just maybe, knocking off another song.