Any horse over 16hh that doesn’t have draft blood really only exists so the upper classes can see over the heads of their workers better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@mrJACKLOPE on twitter – this made me howl
Any horse over 16hh that doesn’t have draft blood really only exists so the upper classes can see over the heads of their workers better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@mrJACKLOPE on twitter – this made me howl
I’m awake because as far as I can tell, the other kidney (left) is hocking a loogie into my plans. This is more abdominal pain than the other side and of course I’m no longer sleeping soundly. I couldn’t even climb the stairs at the end of the viewing day last night, just crashed on the couch. I woke up around 11 and it’s been heavy sledding ever since.
I’m going to doze for the rest of the night when I can – this hurts a fair amount without currently feeling life threatening – and talk to Jeff about next steps in the morning.
l8r – pain lasted until about 5 when I got a little more sleep — it’s now 8 am and I feel gross but the pain has lifted
l8r – it’s 11 am and we just went for a 1k walk in the warm and pleasant sun. I feel bruised but micturation and ambulation are both much improved
Going to go love on my pipples for a while, this afternoon. I will need a walk so I’m planning on walking over. (later…. not so much, I think I’m working on cystitis or a kidney stone. Katie is going to drop by later but it’s 10 am and I’m going back to rest.) also thanks to Jeff for being supportive
Trump, trumpity trump I don’t feel sorry for him at all.
Korean pop fans, who for whatever reason have decided to throw their likes behind Black Lives Matter (k-pop is SUPA problematic about cultural appropriation re contemporary black music, but the fans are pure uwu softness) (uwu is emoji talk for ‘cute’ as in HF MY PANCREAS DONE GOT EXPLODEY), reserved a million tickets for Trump’s rally and then because even the GOP voters in Tulsa fitfully experience self-preservation instincts, only 19K showed up.
This morning the feeds are full of the names of bands that got more people into that arena – paying bums in seats – than Trump did. How freude was my schaden.
Also in my feed this morning; antifa rescused a person being pressed to the ground by a single riot policeman with one of the most sincerely launched flying kicks I’ve ever seen. Antifa one, cop sent flying.
San Diego sent TWO THOUSAND youths on skateboards down one of the main drags; full props to whoever managed to do that WHILE HOLDING A HUGE SIGN.
Spoke to Jan and Jim yesterday…. how good to hear their voices.
Jeff rumbling at the screen during a documentary, “Get him in therapy.”
My day is complete.
So I should probably do something incredible with it, everything else will be a bonus.
I’ve been looking around, and thinking about something Jeff said earlier. When I scan through the interwebs to see what settlers are doing about racism in their own minds there are divisions visible to me.
One small cohort wishes to explore through an emotional, not analytical approach, understanding the injustice and the appropriateness of a continued resistance to racism and its personal and institutional benefits to settlers.
Another just wants to know what the new rules are so they can avoid sounding racist in daily speech since it’s tiresome to get called out on it. Most of these people use the words ‘political correctness run amuck’ which enh, isn’t a good look, when they complain publicly about how it’s impossible to keep track of all these changes in the world.
Some people are born activists.
& some go la la la.
apparently a real live Indigenous person is about to read one of the UPSUN novels and I’m W A R P I N G
I THINK this is the place where my white fragility meets my Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, but I’ll do my best not to act like a creep in public. This person is just going to read it, I’m not likely to get any feedback. If I do I will attend.
james stout june 15
The force required to pull down a statue isn’t as great as you think, says mechanical engineer Scott Holland. Most statues are bronze, using an alloy of 90 percent copper and 10 percent tin and a maximum thickness of 3/16 of an inch. The Statue of Liberty’s copper sheeting is only 3/32 of an inch thick, for comparison.
Holland says your average statue of a person tops out at around 3,500 pounds. (FYI: A horse statue is approximately 7,000 pounds.) Meanwhile, the OSHA-mandated upper force limit for horizontal pulling per person is 50 pounds of force–“but that’s for working every day,” he says, “so you could probably do twice that.”
At 100 pounds of force, then, we’re talking about a 35-person job to drag the statue, Holland says. But to pull it down, “let’s assume twice the force–so you’ll need twice as many people.” So before you start toppling, you’d better recruit 70 buddies with a bit of muscle.
Now that you have your crew, you’ll need the right tools. Holland suggests grabbing a few 4×4 recovery straps, which can be rated to over 32,000 pounds and are far less cumbersome than a chain. Once you’re properly equipped, you want to get leverage, Holland says, “so you need to get the straps around the head or the neck [of the statue].”
To break the statue from its base, split into two teams on either side and work in a back-and-forth motion. Most statues are attached to the base by 2 to 3 feet of rebar, so you’ll actually be breaking it at the bronze above the rebar–not the rebar itself, says Holland. (That’s steel.) “When the U.S. took down that statue of Saddam Hussein, you can see it folds at that spot where the rebar is in the base of it,” he says.
Let’s say you can’t find 70 friends. If you still want to attempt this with a smaller removal squad, you have to weaken the monument itself. That’s where temperature comes in.
Yield strength changes a lot with temperature. A 90 percent copper/10 percent tin statue, for example, will have a yield strength at room temperature of 31.4 megapascals–that’s compared to 275 MPa for 6061 aluminum–“so structurally,” Holland says, “it’s not hard to break.”
With 35 people, you need to cut the statue’s yield strength in half by heating it up. And how do you do that? For a bronze statue, your target temperature is around 450 degrees Celsius, or 842 degrees Fahrenheit. “You could use a butane torch,” says Holland, “but it would be much quicker with a propane torch. Those burn hotter. You’ll be there for 15 to 20 minutes, but it’s a lot easier.”
Just make sure you use the proper protective equipment and look to see that nobody is underneath the statue when it falls. That means using a long rope to make sure the first person on the rope is farther away from the statue than the statue is tall. Use this handy Pythagorean triangle calculator to help figure that out.
Maybe you’re operating with an even smaller team–or toppling the statue all by yourself. In that case, your best bet is melting the damn thing. So let’s make a thermite reaction.
“The formula is very simple,” says Chris Harrison, a chemistry professor at San Diego State University. “It’s 3:1 by mass of rust and aluminum powder. You mix those together and use a piece of magnesium to use as a high temperature fuse. And if you don’t have one, you could use a sparkler.”
The melting point of the hypothetical bronze statue is 1,742 degrees Fahrenheit, but even if you come across a racist cast in copper (melting point: 1,984 degrees), you can still easily melt both with thermite, as it burns at 2,500 degrees.
While thermite might burn nearly half as hot as the sun, it isn’t explosive. “You could pack the thermite around [the statue’s] ankles using a plastic or metal bucket with the base removed,” Harrison says. “You could invert the halves of the bucket and place them on either side of the feet, and then pour in the thermite, packing it down as best as possible. The more open space there is, the less efficient the reaction will be.”
Once you melt the statue’s ankles, it should just fall over, Harrison says, as that metal likely supports everything above it.
If you’re out of sparklers, snag some liquid nitrogen from a distributor like Airgas or Praxair. Then, drill a hole in the statue and pour the nitrogen inside to shatter the ankles.
Or you could combine the two, says Harrison. “If the liquid nitrogen is above the height of the thermite, you’ll have some very cold metal, right next to some metal getting very hot,” he says. “This should induce a lot of thermal strain, likely causing the metal to crack in that region.”
Just keep that hole way above your thermite, or you’ll be spraying incredibly hot molten metal into the air.
And here’s a fun bonus: The liquid nitrogen will quickly turn to a gas and come shooting out of that hole you drilled, says Harrison, which will almost certainly cause a high-pitched squeal. “One could imagine it sounding something like the sound a confederate general would make if their feet were on fire.”
Went to Kintec Surrey for my appointment and they looked all sad and said I hadn’t gotten the right kind of appointment (in the email form I SAID I NEEDED NEW CUSTOM ORTHOTICS) and after they made me sit around for five minutes TO MAKE A NEW APPOINTMENT I got up and left. I won’t go into detail about the wretched driving experience to get there, but I hit nothing and nothing hit me.
I won’t go back to Surrey. My hour long appointment is for June 26th at 4 pm. and since I found out they now have an office in Burnaby I’ll go there instead.
My Juneteenth will include the words of N.K. Jemisin to stretch my mind, the music of Satchmo for joy, and a donation for the Hogan’s Alley Society because Vancouver paved over and destroyed a black neighbourhood to make the fucking Georgia Viaduct, and promised restitution and reconciliation two years ago, and has done nought.
Victor Varnado is a legally blind Black albino. He has a remarkable take on just about everything, and he’s usually what I call ‘uncomfortably funny’ (we have exchanged barbs on twitter, he won). He’s also a producer, filmmaker, comedian, writer, and cartoonist, so he’s got it going on.
Jeff, Paul and I walked in Oakalla aka Deer Lake Park today. We heard what sounded like a million birds and the weather was gorgeous and people were paying better attention to the signs, except for that jogger.
the ever wondrous words of Audre Lord
from the LA protests
for supper last night I made stir fried pork with garlic and ginger, greek salad and very well cooked acorn squash, mashed with a teaspoon of maple syrup, a squirt of lemming juice and a very small pat of butter, also salt and cracked pepper.
Saw Paul and WE WENT FOR A WALK IN OAKALLA for the first time since March and that 2.5 k nearly did me in. Nobody wearing masks, including Paul, who INSISTED ON TALKING TO EVERYONE including mofos who were trying to fly drones in the park (specifically forbidden by signs) and walk the wrong way down the one way path.
The russet thrushes and the towhees sounded like they were in a competition for loudest. In the entire time I’ve been going to the park I’ve never heard the birdsong that loud.
Also saw a bald eagle and a great blue heron; couldn’t figure out why the heron was garking up a storm until I saw the eagle spiralling.
Then, in a miraculous outburst of friendness, Mike dropped by after Paul dropped me back home and there was an exchange of food etc.
While Mike was here Buster caught a young starling and tried to bring it into the house. Since Jeff mentioned that he was not happy about birds in the house, I literally grabbed Buster and turned him around by his shoulders and britches. He opened his mouth to remonstrate with me and the bird, quite naturally, fucked off with prejudice and stayed in the dogwood yelling its fool head off so loud that Jeff was perturbed and went indoors. I went inside to get the ukulele to play Mike the song I wrote for him (I’ve played it before but it was a truncated version and I’ve been practicing hard) and just after that, a parent bird came back and stuffed junior’s gob so the little mofo finally shut up.
I have definitely turned the corner. Strangely, this improvement may coincide to going back to sleeping under a weighted blanket (I was using my battered old ‘white’ duvet instead) but I definitely sleep sounder. I’m also taking a slightly different path on pain management, so I hope my activity level will naturally rise in consequence.
Weather continues not great. This week the temp isn’t supposed to crawl much above 20 and we’ll get a little bit of sun, but June-uary continueth.
Jeff and I went for a lovely social distancing walk in the rain yesterday at 12th Avenue school grounds; wasn’t a soul else on the grounds and I wore my shield instead of my mask. Jeff, since he didn’t actually encounter anyone else, went mask-free. It’s very nice to be outside without a mask.
Watched a fair amount of our current range of TV yesterday; Castle S2, Time Team 1999, Vera S5, New Tricks and Jeff’s started watching Elementary, which I sat in on and proved quite entertaining.
Seven people arrested at the Viaduct BLM demo yesterday; Twitter wants white people down at CRAB park. CRAB park is where the homeless encampment moved to and fictionally it’s where George and a couple of his children are when the earthquake strikes.