Maxime Bernier breakfast in head


A man hit People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Leader Maxime Bernier with an egg at a campaign event Thursday in Saskatoon – one of multiple recent incidents raising questions about campaign security.

In a video posted to Twitter, the perpetrator appears to request a photo with Bernier. As Bernier gives a thumbs up, the man smashes an egg into the back of Bernier’s head.

Richard Raycraft, September 3 2021, Politics/CBC website

On a completely different subject:

Check this out.

From the article, a new way to flip patients.

After sketching out a blueprint, Beed says he consulted the expertise of a friend with commercial-grade sewing skills. He says what started out as a few trips to a fabric store to try and find the right material, turned into a full-sized wrap that securely “cocoons” a patient before it’s attached to carabineers.

“These adjustable length straps would connect to the various side ports. And, that’s the way that we would enable movement of the patient with no effort on the part of our nursing staff,” Beed demonstrates.

He says the bonus of the Pronator Plus is that it then attaches to a patient lift, which is equipment that already exists within hospitals.

From there he says patients are able to be safely rotated onto their bellies in a controlled fashion that provides an opportunity to make adjustments if necessary.

By Alexa MacLean Global News
Posted September 5, 2021 1:52 pm

I say SCHNERK unto you

We managed to wait until this morning to finish Peggy’s apple tarts. Go restraint! I’m printing up a large print letter for Auntie Mary, including the usual curated funny picture from the internet. Laundry done but not ‘whisked’ upstairs.

We’ve started a Person of Interest rewatch.

Lousy night of sleep, I’m congested when I lie down and not if I’m prone or sitting up. I am SCHNERKING und SCHNERKING.

I’m suspecting Katie’s very busy, haven’t heard from her since the Victoria visit. It’s an observation not a complaint.

Lots of kudos and comments on my new stories last night so that was pleasant.


Big hugs for everybody reading this morning! As Allan Jaffee once remarked, “Serious people my age are dead.”

Finding my health

It’s worse this morning… both the rib and the dry cough. There is no way I’d be going to either Bowen or Mike’s in my current state. Time for a roasting hot shower and ta cough up a lung. When that’s not happening there’s a squeaky wheeze in there.

So if I’m watching comfort food TV, eating comfort food, doing laundry and writing fanfic who can be surprised. Posted another 2500 word story, 150 hits already so far, but fewer kudos. It isn’t funny, the way most of my stuff is, so maybe that has something to do with the ratio.

Next story up will probably be one of those cuddly funny stories; I just had to get the fix-it and parallel universe little stories out of my system first.

SHNERK oh make the mucus stop ROY KENT GRUNT

Lord Flack do it again

He’s claiming that Maxime Bernier is the most impressive leader among Canada’s current crop of Conservatives.

The same Maxime Bernier who was publicly racist toward Jagmeet Singh. The same Maxime Bernier who is too effete to be a populist and too boned in the bean to run his tweets by a human with a clue first. (He’s said some appalling shit on twitter…. srsly.) The same Maxime Bernier who was too sad sack to beat Andrew Scheer (Andrew fucking Scheer) in a ‘fair fight’ for the party leadership, despite having more money, more endorsements and more (apparently) ‘ground game’. The same Maxime Bernier who has never been able to blow of the stink of being thrown out of of Harper’s government off his hide. The same Maxime Bernier who got called a sore loser by Stephen Harper… I mean what fuckery do you have to pull to get that anti-endorsement??? The same Maxime Bernier that the fucking elite who run and subscribe to the National Post would LOVE to win the leadership, I can only imagine why.  Anyway Flauntbad Black says HE LOVES MAXIME BERNIER and that only means one thing, under no circumstances should he become anything except a has been, politically.

the worm’s eye view

For about thirty years now I’ve thought about a polemic called ‘the worm’s eye view’ which is about the state of employment in Canada. I always thought I would get to it while I was still working and the blood boiling in my veins from the insanity of the workplace animated me to rant like a little steam engine.

Mike called to say he was once again unable to get together this weekend. Today he’s going in to the office in Burnaby for the last time to clean out his desk. TPTB (The Powers That Be) have decreed a teleconference for 7:30 am Monday and ANOTHER one at 5:30 am Tuesday. A more vile Fuck You to the people who are expecting to be laid off on the 15th of this month can hardly be imagined. Mike’s mood is thus explained. It’s very hard to pin a smiling face on under the circumstances and I certainly won’t jib at that when I’m still coughing a lung up about four times a day. I’m working my way through his lovely chowder as a consolation prize. ALSO GODDESS PEGGY HAS DISCHARGED A VOLLEY OF APPLE TARTS ONTO OUR FRONT PORCH.

I was feeling sorry for meself and we went and got a very abbreviated Timmy Ho’s order. I was the one who stood in line and it was godawful, slower than bullet time and scattered with people not wearing masks. I always thought people of colour would be more sensible about masking but no, this morning was a standard cross section of humanity but with the usual bullshit men not masking (all the women were masked) and I just wanted to vent so hard and I pasted silence into my brain and a smile onto my face until Jeff turned up in the parking lot after a side trip for cat food. SO MANY CARS  ATTEMPTED TO IMPEDE OUR EGRESS that it was hard not to take it personal. I want to stick a camera there; some of the parking interactions must come close to mayhem, public mischief and homicide — occasionally.

Anyway, with respect to the worm’s eye view, I’m just going to jot down what it would look like

chapter one ONBOARDING – all the horse puckey that happens when you join.
chapter two TRAINING – the even worse busssshit that happens when you are training
chapter three – BOREDOM, OVERWORK, performance issues, CAREER PATH, JOB-HOPPING – the five states of employment
chapter seven – CUSTOMER SUPPORT
chapter eight – And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain

the writer is always a fantasist

The writer is always a fantasist, because words are not the things they describe.

One can wander in the far lands of the extraction of etymology, but nothing gives the picture like the exploded view.

Therefore one must diagram, and in making a diagram, you fall in love with the diagram, you make excuses for the state of the diagram, you tell people that this diagram is the best, you have nightmares that this diagram is the worst, but nothing can prepare you for how little the diagram is like the processes and states of matter which exist in real time.

One makes maps.

This map tells me distances inside the ‘lower mainland’. This map helps me gauge how many kCal to pedal a bicycle up that hill. This map tells me what geology I will encounter when I dig. This map tells me about the snaking tubes of metal and concrete, plastic and glass, that run under the surface. This map tells me what mammals are common to this part of the world. This map tells me what the odds are that my home will experience earthquake damage. This map tells me about the airspace above my home. This map tells me what stars are above my dwelling place and how far they are from me. This map shows me where the highway traffic cams are. This map shows the arrangement of the planets and major bodies in the solar system. This map shows what languages were and are spoken on this land. This map shows a picture of every house on every street, but not the alleyways. This map shows every street including the alleyways. This map shows the tallest trees by species. This map shows the strangest architecture. This map shows the location of an abandoned cemetery. This map shows the heron rookeries. This map shows all the known external locations for the CW show Supernatural. This map shows buried treasure but the raccoons already dug it up and ate it so imagine the nine year old coming back and seeing a hole in the ground where the candy was. All of these maps beg you to imagine. And there are thousands of people for whom a map is an affront, for nothing in their brain works that way. None of these maps are connected except in my mind. They never will be connected. They will never be overlaid. They exist together, floating one on top of another, only in this poem; for a moment you too can hold them up there in your mind, having been given this sketch. Then the paragraph finishes and this time tomorrow you will not remember that it happened.

One writes because it’s in your head and has to come out. One writes because there is something breathing in your ear; there is no control, between the impetus and the page, merely a hint of directionality. One writes because the variation between the imagined and the real is a big play-space and most of it has not been explored yet. One writes because one wants to rid English of its colonialisms and make it the one true argot of freedom, breaking its chains, filling in its scandalously tiny trove of words for relations. One writes because how else is one to demonstrate how vastly different one is from everyone else; and simultaneously how dragged-through-drains dirty and boring and pedestrian one is, although if one is hosed down and buffed up and stood under a certain light one might pass muster at a public gathering. One writes because it’s always personal. One writes because it’s always political. One writes because there is a special someone waiting for your words, if your words survive. One writes because the past made you do it. One writes because the future is begging. One writes because no matter how grey and recondite the subject, the words are not the things, and even that most noble academic is a fantasist, though her choice of words is not lightly made, is not an accident.


Sneezing quite a bit this morning, but I like sneezing. Not so much when my rib still hurts but there’s a little less of that each day, and less coughing. Sound night of sleep but I got up a little early. Nice cuppa, very praiseworthy training session with Buster, ran a load of laundry, started working on a story, handwritten. It’s only ten paras long about a cursed object, and I’m having so much fun with it.

I started thinking about how an entire generation of furniture is going to end up on the biggest junk heap in history, and to wonder how many of those objects would be cursed. Then because I’m autistic and have no imagination I cast around for the most likely cursed object in my house so I’d have something to describe, and I did describe it, and it’s funny, so I’m glad I got up today.

Local MLA office vandalized

The terrible behaviour of anti-vaxxers that we saw on Wednesday when they blocked the path of an ambulance and cancer patients in front of Vancouver General Hospital has spread into Burnaby with a despicable act of vandalism. Burnaby-Lougheed MLA Katrina Chen announced on Twitter that the window of her constituency office had been vandalized. The words “no passport ever” were smeared on the window, referring to the upcoming B.C. rule that will restrict some activities of unvaccinated residents, like going to a movie. This is out of control. How long until these conspiracy theorists start physically attacking people?

Rest of the article by Chris Campbell is here.

Her kid goes to the same school as Alex.

In other news, Microsoft continues to release shit without testing it.

A little flicker feather in my cap

20% kudo to hit ratio on my latest fic, that’s outrageous, either that or I’m benefiting unduly from filling a need for the fans…. the amount of fanfic has died back since the show ended. I’m 1100 words into the next one, which is a slaunchwise take on Groundhog Day. There are a couple of people reading one of my fics per day and then issuing kudos… they’re going through about 200K of fic lol so I’m keeping somebunny busy.

Completely congested and my rib sprung again when I woke up this morning, but Jeff and I are both coughing considerable less. Got some paperwork and banking done yesterday.

Somebody on Digg posted video of people dancing in the 80’s ‘everybody looks so happy’ and I’m thinking buddy did you KNOW how much COCAINE there was in clubs in the 80’s? of course people looked happy.

China seeks to ban effeminate men from TV

Yup, that’ll really help the fucking birth rate dudes.

So the “You can have two children” plan does not work because no sound woman living in China wants to have one child let alone two, and what do the old men of the CCP come back with? HAVE THREE KIDS. UNLESS YOU’RE A SINGLE MOM.

Just watch, within a few months they’ll be saying that there’s a terrible shortage of birth control and forcing women who are ‘politically sound’ to get pregnant because. Just because… they’ve seen the demographic future and know they’ll lose control of their country if they don’t get the birth rate up.

And they’ll ban abortion. Except when you’re an enemy of the state.

just watch

I am calling it.

aw hell naw

Apparently an AI is predicting that a COVID variant could start attacking and infecting blood cells and I’m like NOOOO.

I do actually feel much better today.

Want to boycott Texas for them taking abortion rights

from far away? I thought I’d put together a boycott list and gave up, researching these companies is a ghastly task.


Halliburton which includes

Baroid International Trading, LLC (United States, Delaware)
BITC Holdings (US) LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton (Barbados) Investments SRL (Barbados)
Halliburton Affiliates, LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton AS (Norway)
Halliburton Brazil Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Canada Corp. (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton Canada Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Canada Holdings, LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Canada ULC (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (Mexico)
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Far East Pte Ltd (Singapore)
Halliburton Global Affiliates Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Group Canada (Canada)
Halliburton International, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton International Holdings (Bermuda)
Halliburton B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Latin America S.A., LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Logging Services (Asia)
Halliburton Luxembourg Holdings S.à r.l. (Luxembourg)
Halliburton Luxembourg Intermediate S.à r.l. (Luxembourg)
Halliburton Norway Holdings C.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Operations Nigeria Limited (Nigeria)
Halliburton Overseas Limited (Cayman Islands)
Halliburton Partners Canada ULC (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton Servicos Ltda. (Brazil)
Halliburton U.S. International Holdings, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Worldwide GmbH (Switzerland)
HES Corporation (United States, Nevada)
HES Holding, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
HESI Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Kellogg Energy Services, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Landmark Graphics Corporation (United States, Delaware)
Oilfield Telecommunications, LLC. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton de Venezuela. (Venezuela, Maturin)

Texas Instruments

includes National Semiconductor

Waste Management

includes Waste Management Recycle America


List of subsidiaries may be viewed Here.

Occidental Petroleum

List of subsidiaries may be viewed Here.

American Airlines


Tenet Healthcare
Kimberley Clark
DR Horton
Baker Hughes
Plains GP Holdings
CBRB Group
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Enterprise Products Partners
Energy Transfer
Phillips 66
Dell Technologies


le maitre Grumblioni

Paul came by yesterday to walk me in the local school park. Unlike most times, he treated me like a plague victim and refused to come close to me and masked hard. The idea that Paul would social distance for a known cold THAT LIKELY ORIGINATED IN HIS HOUSEHOLD but not an unknown virus which any person might present to you at random makes me once again wonder how any human being actually assesses a threat well enough to survive three whole days, let alone 72 years, which Paul is coming up on this month. He’s certainly had his share of close calls, and I alas was there for some of them.

All this time I was thinking three layers of cloth – that you can’t see any strong light through – was sufficient to protect one, but then I see some research from India basically saying that cloth masks are useless. I think that one layer of woven cotton cloth is cosmetic, two is useful and three is protective. BUT apparently since reuseable home-made masks don’t fit in with the goals of capitalism just go ahead and buy ones…. heavy heavy sigh. PPE quality masks are beyond the reach of most people in India, and three layer woven cloth masks are better than nothing, and definitely easier on the wallet, at least if you have laundry facilities. I just don’t believe this study, other work in Europa and US points a completely different way.

Anti maskers, some of whom harassed health care workers, showed up at City Hall in Vancouver in quite some numbers this week. Go to r/vancouver if you want to see personal accounts of people observing the Demonstration of the Disease Boosters. Oh Darwin we beseech thee! toss these mofos into the sun.
I have a hundred hits and ten kudos and one comment on my new story. Given that it’s very short and doesn’t have a lot of tags I’m happy. This one is also entirely NOT porny, it’s M/M (two AMAB (assigned male at birth)) supernatural (impossible beings and events not currently checked into the Reality Hotel) romance (also impossible but somewhat more likely) with an HEA (happy ever after).

I had no pain and no desire to cough when I rose this morning and the instant I bent over to load the dishwasher that was the end of THAT happy state of affairs. I now snerk and snork like something lurking in a cave.

Adventure of English rewatch – Tyndale was a boss, y’all.

Gawd. I think I’ll have chocolate ice cream for breakfast and then at least one nice thing will happen to me today.