It’ll be different in a year, no doubt
Men in Love — god they’re cute
rewatched Greyhound – this time with subtitles, which I recommend
It’ll be different in a year, no doubt
Men in Love — god they’re cute
rewatched Greyhound – this time with subtitles, which I recommend
I can easily believe the RCMP did nothing about a mob of whites almost killing a bunch of Indigenous fishers. But the people who are PROUD of that are SCUM.
I am thrilled past words.
Now I know why Buster did a running&leaping paw clap this morning! He was celebrating. (He LOATHES fireworks.)
Phil Shailer of Hollywood wrote this as part of a letter to the editor in 2016
To whom it may concern;
I was appalled to see the ad the BC Liberals are running regarding the homeless in BC.
For your party to state that you will ‘protect’ citizens from homeless encampments when the BC Liberals’ failure to keep housing affordable, build more social housing and prevent Chinese oligarchs from using BC as a place to launder money are the major reasons homeless encampments currently exist in BC is so disingenuous, cruel and possibly evil that I am left hoping for your complete electoral destruction.
Given Whelpkinson’s gleekish performance and the entire gong show of not knowing which of your ‘candidates’ thinks abortion and contraception should be taken away from those nasty, nasty women who have nasty, nasty vaginas, it’s a good thing to wish for.
Also, congrats on formulating ads that are likely to repulse the young people you need to join your party if you’re to survive.
Fail soon,
Allegra Sloman
She called how Trump would win, and then called how Trump would rule, and now she’s calling he’ll steal the election. Here’s a quote from an article from 2013
another quote from her book Hiding In Plain Sight
anyway I subscribe to her Patreon but I never listen to the podcasts because my bp does shitty, shitty things when she talks about Trump
But as long as I have family to talk to I don’t have to put ALLLL my bs here.
Keith said SO IN THIS FASCIST RERUN SCENARIO are we Poland or Czechoslovakia and sayeth me “You Know We’re Poland. We’re going to get ground between two superpowers, China and the US, with Russia picking at scraps, and there’s not much we can do about it”. and “Well, we’re not going to be ALLOWED to be Switzerland.”
I’m so angry at the typos in the fic I’m reading on AO3 right now even though it’s a charming slow burn fic I’m shutting it down.
fuck the police in Akkadian, thanks to @antthegay on twitter
technically it’s may the policemen be destroyed but who’s quibbling
Laughed my ass off at this next one:
Text on a sticker on a dogshit brown Chevy Van (perfection!) BACK OFF I’m from Surrey. stolen from reddit
As an aside, the first joke I ever heard about the Vancouver area was about Surrey. “What’s the difference between Surrey and a bus shelter?” “If you really had to, you could live in a bus shelter.” Yes, I am aware this joke has racist, classist, and ‘wrong side of the bridge’-ist implications.
This is the same guy
as the kids say on twitter “Life comes at you hard.
Shown from the back, in front of high rise apartments, taken Wednesday, September 23, 2020, in the evening, a demonstrator visibly wearing a mask holds up a sign which reads
The demonstrator is wearing a sign saying say her name.
Yesterday, here in Vancouver, the fires in Western Washington blanketed the entire city in ~~200 AQI smoke, strong enough to clog our noses and make us sneeze. Within eight hours it was all gone, but it was ugly for a while. Further south, the tales of horror continue; a woman taking her father’s chef knives but leaving the Singer treadle machine that is her last physical tie with the grandmother who gave it to her; trails of ash twining along the road in the wind; apocalyptic skies, lightning storms that hail ash; and death, death, death to the animals and pets and forests.
Temperatures in the American southern border states have been crushingly high for most of this week so far. I’m picturing that within ten years it will be too hot to live without air conditioning there for a couple of months of the year and so the second great northern migration will occur. Lots of changes coming!
fic 12,552 words
Mike, after very kindly dropping off ginger scallion sousvide chicken breasts last night (I gave him a squash) called to remind us that a big blow is forecast for today.
We’re not taking down the awning, but I secured some of the stuff on the deck. Gusts of 70 kph (45 mph) are expected.
BIG WIND CANCELLED cops still assholes
from the WaPo
Someone really useful on twitter just blocked me because I ‘sexualized their feed’ well THEY WERE THE ONE TALKING ABOUT SLOPPING DOWN FORTY GALLONS OF HUMMUS lands’ sakes. That has nothing to do with this:
Wikipedia editor MN070 is responsible for this gem, which has probably already been edited back out, but isn’t it a sweetie? someone with a lot of neck in Irish slang is a chancer, someone with a lot of nerve, who takes liberties….
from the Chicago protests
I came up with a funny word this morning – I called Trump the “Cheetarch” The Cheeto flavoured autarch!
The president of Belarus shut off the internet in his country to prevent the spread of a viral video in which a large audience of workers started shouting at him to resign. (apparently he said the only way you’re getting rid of me is killing me and he got the response he oh so richly warranted.) The tankies are sad for him. What is a tankie? It’s a fascist who wants statist communists with brutal regimes to be perfect and powerful. They defend governments like North Korea. No, I’m not joking, I wish I was.
I have re-achieved emotional equilibrium. I wrote another 700 words after I finished the last edit to my blog yesterday. Jeff took me to breakfast. I wear a mask at IHOP whenever I’m not at my own table. I know it’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing. My current fave mask is the one I got from Vancouver Aquarium. Next fave is the first one I made, the white one. It’s very comfortable and the most adjustable. Next fave is a standard medical mask. I ordered a bunch more cloth masks from an Indigenous supplier; one of them is a brilliant blue with Coastal art hummingbirds all over it so I bet I know where that one will end up. The other ones I think have stylized orcas, I might be wrong. Kima would be pissed.
There is fresh tea. I make a couple of pots a day and transfer most of it into the iced tea container, once it’s cooled off.
Operation Pee Constantly is still going well. The last lingering wackiness amidships from the kidney stones and the mild infection afterwards is done, thank glob. I’m still getting used to exactly how MUCH more water I have to drink every day to keep this happy state of affairs going, but hopefully I will retrain my body to properly experience thirst.
I am still drinking black tea, but it’s not recommended for a kidney diet, so I’m trying to have at most two cups a day.
Katie recommended bocconcini pearls for cheese and no sodium cheese is a wonderful damned thing, let me assure you. I’m also drinking the low sodium V-8, which tastes weird, which makes me want to put Worcestershire sauce in it, which vitiates its low salt status. La la la. Change of habits continues. Jeff hasn’t minded the not buying treats regimen – we have a whole line of treats we bought pretty much every time we went out to Save-On but I’ll have to make do with home made cinnamon buns, scones and cakes, what a tragedy.
There’s a Buy-Low opening August 26 walking distance from here; they’ll have in house butcher and bakery, among other things. I know people who dislike this chain but they are distinctly cheaper than Save-On, and possibly they will deliver, so we shall see. Anyway it’s close enough to walk. It will be interesting to see where to park for this critter and which roadway one exits from.
Glucose tolerance test on Friday. This will be the fourth time in my life I’ve taken it. This time it’s likely that the DIABEETUS DONE GOT ME although of course I can always adjust my diet (not really, but).
Used the word vitiate in a tweet today. Thought I was using it correctly, looked it up anyway, I was.
I got an education in miniature while watching berniebros attack Black women on twitter during the run up to the 2016 election. I got another miniature education when not-stupid white American migrants to Canada told me to my face that there’s no way Bernie supporters could be so ignorant, like TOTALLY shut me down while in the next minute being super chill about Indigenous rights so….
(but she was the kind of person who BREAKS UP OVER TEXT MESSAGE SO FUCK ‘ER and I could go on but t’isn’t my story)
Anyway my position on Kamala Harris is clear to me, the evergreen ‘siddown and shaddap’, at least on twitter. If I’m going to have a white lady opinion, it will be here.
Kamala Harris has been chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate in the 2020 US presidential election.