Who paid for THIS research?????

I call major amounts of BS.  Maybe it is true that fertilizer/pesticide grown products are not ‘nutritionally’ superior,


Did it not occur to these bozos that maybe people are prepared to pay a premium for products that aren’t coated in pesticides and other crap?  And, I hate to say it, but virtually all of the organic produce I’ve eaten in the last couple of years tasted way better than the regular stuff, especially the bananas.  Mind you, I haven’t done a blind taste test so I might have my head up my butt for that.  Anybody want to do some science with food?

We are waiting for the Phoenix!

We have been whiling away the hours until we get word of the safe – or not – landing of the Phoenix on Mars by doing laundry, drilling holes in things (I finally got the other anchor for a guitar strap drilled into the Seagull – I only bought the hardware 8 months ago and Jeff got the kitchen phone attached to the wall), getting Keith caught up on Battlestar Galactica, going for a brief walk in the gorgeous summer-style afternoon, and taking the occasional crack at finishing the homily.  I also unpacked two more boxes.  Can you spell displacement behaviour?

Gizmo has no opinion except “Sun good”.

one thing and another

Luddite turned up late and motored through the leftovers; that was fine, I wanted to watch some more Band of Brothers anyway.  He also brought organic chocolate, which was damn’ fine also.

I can see into the future!!!

Treat your rifle like a gurl…

I sure feel safer, knowing the Border Patrol is on the case.

The seven sins of memory.

Sundry and various plus HDR

A picture of Vancouver at night in HDR format.

It’ll make a nice break from Tetris on my phone.

Guess where I’m going tonight?  You can tell Mike has been here! We fed him halibut and salad and ice cream and fresh mango last night.  We also drank beer and watched BSG. And traded bodywork, it would hardly be like seeing Mike if that didn’t happen.  I might as well just leave the massage table set up in the living room, but I’m trying to fix it so you can drink beer, watch tv and get worked on at the same  time and my tiny pea brain can’t fathom a solution.

I love science “Cinderella” stories.

Saturday roundup

The fourth building block of circuitry built and tested.

Chipper sent that link.

Defining atheism – harder than it sounds.

Stuffed bats. And other plush toys. From one of my LJ buddies.

Sleepy bear. Sorry about the commercial first. And the Nepalese demonstrators getting truncheoned afterwards.

Albino Kangaroo. Aw.

How mad was this guy? Mad enough to buy his adversary’s company’s name as a domain name and post a lot of really angry, and quite justified, comments. For anyone who’s ever been screwed in a used car transaction……

What colour blind people see.

I have conquered an ongoing, crazy-making, recurring low grade bacterial issue with a simple household substance. Given that it’s been bugging me for 18 months and I got rid of it in 48 hours, I am REALLY HAPPY. No, I’m not going to provide details, but believe me, you would be happy too.

Daughter Katie made a date with me to see the next Narnia film when it comes out.

Paul and Keith here last night. Paul dropped off Ginger Chicken (which is funny, because I was talking about it at the lunch table yesterday) and we all watched The Name of The Rose which we quite enjoyed. They went home after the movie around ten.

Raining buckets…. Eddie woke me up at 5 yowling on the back deck.

My back really hurts. I want to go walking someplace today, but see previous paragraph re rain.

Today I have to go get a new bank card, and do some other boring bank stuff, put away laundry, try to find my tax stuff, shove some things into boxes for the storage locker, restring my guitar, itsy bitsy oddsy sodsy stuff.

Satidday roundup

Two hundred thirty seven reasons to have sex.  Guess I am going to have to read the original research to get the list. This was forwarded to me – but I won’t say by whom….

How will you know when the housing market has bottomed out?  A handy formula. 

A canonical list of “They do it” one liners.  Definitely some giggles in there.

Brian Kiely goes to Kenya in February for the UU movement, and reports back.  I’ve seen him deliver a couple of sermons and the guy is fracking awesome, and he’s also the only minister I’ve ever seen who incorporated Chet Baker music into a service.  By way of sidestream comment, has anybody else besides me had a conversation about genocide in Canada recently?  The existence, the possibility?

I asked my brother for advice about a haircut and after a blank stare, he said, “Uh, not a brush cut,” which now concludes my attempts to ever ask him appearance related questions again.

Since some of my readers will be progenizing shortly, and some have progenized and like getting reminders of how traumatizing it was (sample conversation with my mother.  “Remember when I here insert description of frankly horrid and unsafe and at best unsanitary teenage behaviour?”  “No.” “Well one of us is luckier than the other.”)  So I am providing a link to an interesting list of things new moms should know.  When I read it I nodded a lot, and I also went hunh?? a couple of times too.

The science behind monster waves.

Rational atheism.

Interesting green blog. Obviously it exists to sell things, but there’s cool stuff in there too. 

I LOVE THESE PICTURES.  The expression on the young man’s face, the poses, the clothing that he’s wearing.  And he was hanged. I just think of Deadwood, and melt.

Maybe it’s not a safe place to put money, but it’s an interesting place.

Young and coordinated.

And now… a dancing walrus.

Life on line…. death on line.

Your opinion?  I poop on it!

Finally, a joke.  What’s Australian foreplay?  “Brace yerself, Sheila!”