But the new computer is sweet and it’s amazing how much faster you get where you’re going. It too came with a remote, which works great. Some of the software on it – like Garage Band and Comic Life – looks intriguing. It also looks like I can just plug my Midi keyboard into the computer without worrying about software. This is amazing.
I have already taken the liberty of creating an account for Keith.
I listened to the SFU Pipe band practice last night. I can’t tell you what it’s like to sit in a beautiful room and listen to the pipes (at a suitable distance, of course…) while messing about with a new computer.
I found a single lonely DVD in with my moving crap, and watched the first half of Hunt for Red October last night. Unpacked about half a dozen boxes last night and I swear half of it was landfill that I paid somebody to sling around. Ve Grow Too Soon Oldt und Too Late Schmart.