Happy Sunday


Above noted needlework rondel of two skeletons looking at each other and shaped like a heart from @AnythingSews on twitter.

Mini turkey patties on breakfast muffins this morning. The sweet Walla Walla onions are in season now so that plus a slice of havarti cheese and it’s food! Hardly any effort, and the turkey mince got to mingle its flavours for a day longer while I got ‘round to cooking it.

The 2021 Heat Dome Round II is now over. Hopefully 500 senior citizens extra didn’t die this go round.

I’m working on writing and interspersing that with watching the Keith and Kate show, transferred 8mm video from the 80s….


Sign says MASKS REQUIRED . If you are standing either inside or on the patio, please wear a mask. Once seated (drinking or eating) we do not require you to wear a mask

If you cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition, ask yourself if you should be going to a bar\restaurant during a pandemic. If you are making up a medical condition to avoid wearing a mask, please don’t, none of us have the patience to deal with your crap.

gosh darn it

I’m getting a strong urge to call someone I no longer speak to and it’s driving me batty.

Finished Schmigadoon, it was quite fun and goodhearted. The last number was a bit of a disappointment since it was orchestrated like modern Christian rock (loathe me so many tambourines, I really do) but all in all it was quite enjoyable.

Air quality is holding up reasonably well at ground level but there’s a shitpile of particulates between us and the sun. Jeff, as usual, is feeling it worse than I am.


And soon, a schlepp

This graphic has no relevance to my life right now, things are akshully okay.

I made a lovely couple of turkey patties yesterday for supper – made fried mushrooms and chopped onions and lettuce and tomato to go with and toasted the buns first. It was restaurant quality, although way less salty; I used ground cumin, black pepper, a tiny bit of salt, some cayenne/paprika spice mix, a couple of drops of Worcestershire and a fuckton of garlic powder for the effect. Very pleased with the results. I shall cook some more up today as well for luncheon.

This morning I got up and put a load of laundry on just to prove that I’m not a total slug. Haven’t heard from Buster yet this morning. (That was an hour ago; he was calling in the hall at (just now) 6:15, probably wanting to complain to management about the state of the sky again.) He’s really gone off training, I don’t know whether it’s because he’s feeling punk from scrapping, or he’s otherwise distracted, or I’m failing him in some way, I’ve been a little off myself. The anxiety paced the AQI yesterday, which went from a comfy 44 to over 100 in a six hour period, and with each rise in the particulates the anxiety, which is physical because the air quality impacts your breathing, spikes.

I’m also working on what I hope will be viewed as a funny, newsy letter to One I Love. Around seven we’ll go shopping, now that we know we’re not going to Bowen Island for a portion of the weekend. I am peeved, but not enough to whine about it too much.

250 words so far this morning on Honey on the Moon Redux, which is my second attempt to write Honey on the Moon, and which is now separate from Best Roommate in the World. Quite a bit of it is changing Musqueam to MST and it amazes me how much the verbiage around things changes when you’re actually trying to be sensitive instead of assuming that you are. I mean, I still assume I am more than I am, but it’s interesting.

Buster trained after I brushed him.  Order of operations issues ??? hoo noze, iz cat.

got up at four

Made tomato lentil soup. Very tasty; zero fat and hardly any salt nonetheless.

Paul’s about to come over and take me to Fraser Foreshore before it gets too hot.

About sixty words of infill on previously existing projects. I have so much work ahead of me to massage the mss into shape it’s quite vexxing.

Put down more ant traps, the ants are back in sheeting hordes.

Cedar Isle Farm reports the harvest:

Barley – not good, sadly

Wheat – both hard and soft, excellent quality and yield


Rye – much better than anticipated

This has been your community supported agriculture report.


Paul ate lentil soup, iced tea and pecan-apricot chocolate mascarpone salad.

middle of the day

Katie took a break in the middle of the work day yesterday to take my phone call because I think it’s safe to say that I’m concerned for her mental welfare at the moment and we had a rudely long call (as far as her employers are concerned) but she was already in an office so there weren’t any big ears and we could just hang.

Some parts of the conversation were incredibly painful, the stuff that you just don’t put on social media because of how it plays out over time, because of who might be affected adversely, because of who might cruelly take advantage of it. But I have to say that overall, given her circumstances, Katie is doing the correct things in the correct order and Keith and Paul are being supportive and (relatively) non-judgemental. Things aren’t great but they aren’t critical, and the baby is fine as far as any of us know. And now I’m going to post this before I say something I shouldn’t.

I’m spending an awful lot of time thinking about Honey on the Moon/Best Roommate in the World without actually writing and now I’m thinking I want to rewrite it so it’s a much slower slow burn.

Phone came home

Mike dropped by briefly and gave me a 3d printed tentacle hook. Also dropped off the non phone phone Jeff loaned me that I forgot over at his place (which he charged, thank heavens)

tentacle comme ça

I don’t really know how to describe the mood I’m in. I’m not sad, I’m not happy, I’m not depressed. I just feel blank.

kMike has moved out of Caspell Junction. I am sad about this but it is none of my business.

better and still okay

Things are calmer, but they will be sadder again yet, so waiting is. Katie’s doing better.

Talked to Jeff and we’ll be hiring housekeeping help on a trial basis.

Jeff got me a medium coffee and some donuts, thank you, and then we watched a “Tim Team” which is traditional.

It seems possible, perhaps likely, that the ant problem is going to taper off and stop.

Buster was excited as hell about the rain. He went in and out three times and yelled about the rain just as loud the third time as the first time. He trained this morning as well, although he was hard to settle, so excited about RAIN mom. Let us pause and bless the life giving rain, present for the first time in 46 days.

The floor is shaking in a very SF sort of way, must be Elite Dangerous.

sad but okay

I had a very long talk with Katie last night, got caught up on what’s going on with her and her s/o, and it’s not my story to tell, so I won’t. But I’m sad.

I feel compassion for everyone involved, but I’m going to centre Katie for the time being.

Love each other while you can,

Soon we’ll go and have our fun on Bowen Island, and after that, Victoria to see the grands.