It’s 2:51 in the morning

I went to bed super early – like when I got home last night – and of course now I’m hopelessly awake. I spent an hour with Patrick O’Brian and the Mauritius Command – how odd to be reading a book in part about Reunion, where cousin Lexi did part of her growing up – and I think the reason I had to crash so hard was because the chemicals from the oven cleaner really messed me up.

I know I said, one last widdy, but after I did the touch up paint and the oven I realized that there’s floors to wash downstairs – or I should say damp mop – and the whole place needs yet another vacuuming and when I inspected the fridges I realized that they should definitely get wiped up. It’s not like they are filthy, but they are just not quite clean enough. I will go Tuesday night, Katie’s supposed to be coming over for the last whack at her course completion before she grads. Oh blissful month of June, that has a graduation in it.

I will try to get off my duff and take and crop a picture of the quilt. I’m so used to doing everything in Paint in Microsoftland that I’m at a loss to even figure out which program I need to be in to crop a picture… although my wordpress toolbar works again thanks to RobofNine so I will have no difficulties posting it once I’ve quit putzing with it.

I light a candle for Riverbend, the ‘Iraqi girl blogger’. I light a candle for those who did experience flooding and a candle of thanksgiving that we managed to get through the worst of it thanks to the weather, so no BIG floods this year.  Although the Provincial emergency dude says usually you get through what you think is the worst of it and it comes back and kicks you again.  Sixty percent of the snowpack is there.  I light a candle for all the folks on boil water advisories.
I asked Paul what he’s doing for Father’s Day and he said he was going to Casey’s birthday party (and he is actually working that day too). I was trying to orchestrate getting both of the kids in one place for him but I should stop being a busybody and just let him do it.

I have one more week of hell and then I go on vacation (and the only reason I’m having Hell at Work is because I’m covering somebody’s planned medical leave). Vacation will include Making Sure the House is Just So and Getting my Apartment so it doesn’t Look Like a Bear Pit and applying for a passport and visiting my Mother and hopefully my bro, and applying to the Car Coop and hopefully having something resembling a relaxing time and maybe even playing around with Garage Band a bit more.

I think my back is getting better. I know it sounds weird, I should be able to tell, but it’s such an incremental thing. It definitely appreciates walking, and me sitting properly. Sleeping is fine (although I only have two useful positions for sleeping and in one of them I snore like (to use a massively indelicate phrase) a chainsaw in a bucket of snot.

I owe Chipper a phone call…. the TOURIST SEASON has begun in Madawaska. The most extraordinary thing happened this year though, according to her. A combination of heat and wet destroyed the blackfly crop. What a shame, hunh? I remember we went up there one time and the fly bites made me sick as hell. And poor Katie….. she gets bit by everything.

Speaking of getting bit, Katie’s bedbug situation, by dint of her heroic efforts, plus the exterminators, has been fixed.

Sundry and various

It was with horror, amusement and a lingering sense of having my hand in some kind of psychic cookie jar that I learned at Grace Hicks’ memorial service yesterday that one of the Beacon Church ladies is a ‘lurker’ on this blog.  I will refer to her as Aunt Ev until she steps up and gives herself a moniker. Picture the most well-dressed, soignee individual, approaching six feet in height, who took up community theater acting in the last few years, the possessor of what I consider to be the best hairstyle at the church, & a wicked sense of humour and an ability to be the only person in the room who thinks something without caving to social pressure in expressing it – picture smarts, a really cool hubby, hospitality that is both gracious and practical… Yes, I could spend a while enumerating her virtues, attributes, and accomplishments and not run out of things to praise.  Welcome!
Grace’s memorial service was everything a service like that should be.  Well attended without being a crush of people – a small enough gathering that everybody who wanted to speak memories had air time – excellent food and company – many pictures of her life, growing up in Kelleher SK – I sat off in one far corner (I only met her the once) and solicited memories of her from various Beaconites.  I salute you, Grace – you were a truly remarkable woman.  Her middle son characterized her with a single word – supportive.  There’s something to the sinews of the Saskatchewan farm women that is truly nation building.

Then, oh then.  Right next door to the funeral home was a…. Long and McQuade.  So if I’m with Tom and Peggy, musical co-conspirators since longtime, I’m going to stay out of a Long and McQuade?  I got a mandolin chord chart, located a really nice Sublime ball cap which I may pick up for Katie’s grad, and watched Tom and Peggy cruise the acoustic guitar and electric bass rooms.  I saw a parlor guitar that had me drooling, and for some reason started jonesing on an electric violin, but managed to get out with only the chord chart.

Then the folks dropped me off at the Braid station, and then I went and sat around at Lougheed Station and got on the 110 to get to Brother Jerome’s.  I was the ONLY person on the bus for most of the run, and that was okay.  Got off at the Greentree Village stop, lugging my beer and weenies, computer, Georgia Straight and umberella and chord chart in the pouring bloody rain, and got there really early, only one other person showed up, whom I won’t name because whilst demonstrating her fabulous ability to do splits and other feats of agility and flexibility, she whacked herself on the eyebrow (same place I got myself when I was a kid and wiped out on the ice in the neighbour’s yard) and probably ended up getting a stitch or two in hospital.

As always Jerome and Shannon threw a partay of unmixed blessings (well, except for the gal wot had the accident) and stunning food (Mike’s grace note, a bucket of chewy candy) and a really really great soundtrack. (Much U2, Warren Zevon, Tom Petty, Coldplay, etc). There was beer, massage and chicken kebabs; there was Wii (I abstained), many laughs, some philosophy, and Shannon bought the same plates I did at Ikea, which made me laugh…. Oh, and Heather admired a couple of books of Jerome’s and he handed them to her.  He said, “My mother gave me those and told me somebody would come along and want them, so take them.”  (It’s the Urantia book and the concordance, if anybody cares.)
Today I head off to Augur Inn to do one last widdy bit of touchup and cleaning, but first I’m going to try to straighten out my bedroom, do laundry and more to the point PUT AWAY laundry, and maybe do something slothful like have a hot bath and give myself a facial.  The living room side of the apartment is reasonably tidy, but the other side is definitely THE DARK SIDE.

sociable evening

RobofNine ran his hands over my new MacBook and got wordpress to behave by installing Firefox.  Alas, he did not put an icon on the desktop ere he left, which caused me an untold two minutes of anxiety, but now all is well.

Katie came for a visit (she is sleeping under the quilt five generations of her family worked on) and Mike & Heather came by as well and we went for a walk and drank beer and ate the apple pie they brought.

Spoke to Peggy about the arrangements for getting to Grace Hicks’ memorial service.

Spoke super briefly to Chipper.

And Katie spoke with her grandma, and all is right with the world.

Nothing to say

…except I made a herculean effort to clean my apartment, and now it turns out that nobody is coming tonight!!!!


OH NOZ…. I guess I get to go home and surf the internet in my skivvies instead of getting tech support.  Rob of Nine is putting an offer in on a house in Langley so he won’t be able to help me with my computer. 


Then, tomorrow, a memorial service and then a party at Brother Jerome’s.


Ran into Brian C in the liquor store last night and he gave me a ride home!!!  See how little it takes to make me happy.