Month: July 2007
One of the many many things I’m thankful to my parents for…
is that they had a book by Bernard Heuvelmans called On the Track of Unknown Animals, which is about cryptids. Anyway, here’s a link to a picture from his study in Switzerland. I read the whole thing cover to cover about 100 times when I was a kid. It permanently set in me the desire to be a person to see a cryptid, which, unless I get to catch a Cadborosaurus, seems highly unlikely. Anyway, folks, if you want a laugh, check out what it would cost to replace the book these days. It’s been out of print since the sixties….
I got the link from, which is part of my blogroll.
Death Cat
Is it the heated blanket, or does this cat know when people are dying?
How cool is that?
It’s all about Katie
Kids in a garden
He’s not much to look at
I was messing with the scanner this morning
oooooh! Shiny!
A difference engine… writ small. Link goes to the bbc site in the UK.
He saved a billion lives
…. so their grandchildren can all starve to death. Or so my misgivings tell me.
A very odd cookbook
This is for my parents, who need encouragement to avoid food. Scroll down to click next for a new page, and a new commentary, on a fifties late night cookbook.
Resisting peer pressure requires a functioning brain
no, duh. This is news?
Only for my workmates
This does not reference my boss. Don’t touch this on dialup. For those of you who don’t follow the link, it’s a frickin hilarious flash animation of pummeling the living snot out of your boss. Find the 17 methods of killing your boss in the cubicle…
Oil line rupture
Stan Goff discusses something… theoretically of course
I read that he had read Neal Stephenson’s Zodiac (one of my all time favourite books) and the discussion went south from there….