Maxime Bernier breakfast in head


A man hit People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Leader Maxime Bernier with an egg at a campaign event Thursday in Saskatoon – one of multiple recent incidents raising questions about campaign security.

In a video posted to Twitter, the perpetrator appears to request a photo with Bernier. As Bernier gives a thumbs up, the man smashes an egg into the back of Bernier’s head.

Richard Raycraft, September 3 2021, Politics/CBC website

On a completely different subject:

Check this out.

From the article, a new way to flip patients.

After sketching out a blueprint, Beed says he consulted the expertise of a friend with commercial-grade sewing skills. He says what started out as a few trips to a fabric store to try and find the right material, turned into a full-sized wrap that securely “cocoons” a patient before it’s attached to carabineers.

“These adjustable length straps would connect to the various side ports. And, that’s the way that we would enable movement of the patient with no effort on the part of our nursing staff,” Beed demonstrates.

He says the bonus of the Pronator Plus is that it then attaches to a patient lift, which is equipment that already exists within hospitals.

From there he says patients are able to be safely rotated onto their bellies in a controlled fashion that provides an opportunity to make adjustments if necessary.

By Alexa MacLean Global News
Posted September 5, 2021 1:52 pm

Lord Flack do it again

He’s claiming that Maxime Bernier is the most impressive leader among Canada’s current crop of Conservatives.

The same Maxime Bernier who was publicly racist toward Jagmeet Singh. The same Maxime Bernier who is too effete to be a populist and too boned in the bean to run his tweets by a human with a clue first. (He’s said some appalling shit on twitter…. srsly.) The same Maxime Bernier who was too sad sack to beat Andrew Scheer (Andrew fucking Scheer) in a ‘fair fight’ for the party leadership, despite having more money, more endorsements and more (apparently) ‘ground game’. The same Maxime Bernier who has never been able to blow of the stink of being thrown out of of Harper’s government off his hide. The same Maxime Bernier who got called a sore loser by Stephen Harper… I mean what fuckery do you have to pull to get that anti-endorsement??? The same Maxime Bernier that the fucking elite who run and subscribe to the National Post would LOVE to win the leadership, I can only imagine why.  Anyway Flauntbad Black says HE LOVES MAXIME BERNIER and that only means one thing, under no circumstances should he become anything except a has been, politically.

China seeks to ban effeminate men from TV

Yup, that’ll really help the fucking birth rate dudes.

So the “You can have two children” plan does not work because no sound woman living in China wants to have one child let alone two, and what do the old men of the CCP come back with? HAVE THREE KIDS. UNLESS YOU’RE A SINGLE MOM.

Just watch, within a few months they’ll be saying that there’s a terrible shortage of birth control and forcing women who are ‘politically sound’ to get pregnant because. Just because… they’ve seen the demographic future and know they’ll lose control of their country if they don’t get the birth rate up.

And they’ll ban abortion. Except when you’re an enemy of the state.

just watch

I am calling it.

aw hell naw

Apparently an AI is predicting that a COVID variant could start attacking and infecting blood cells and I’m like NOOOO.

I do actually feel much better today.

Want to boycott Texas for them taking abortion rights

from far away? I thought I’d put together a boycott list and gave up, researching these companies is a ghastly task.


Halliburton which includes

Baroid International Trading, LLC (United States, Delaware)
BITC Holdings (US) LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton (Barbados) Investments SRL (Barbados)
Halliburton Affiliates, LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton AS (Norway)
Halliburton Brazil Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Canada Corp. (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton Canada Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Canada Holdings, LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Canada ULC (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (Mexico)
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Far East Pte Ltd (Singapore)
Halliburton Global Affiliates Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Group Canada (Canada)
Halliburton International, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton International Holdings (Bermuda)
Halliburton B.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Latin America S.A., LLC (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Logging Services (Asia)
Halliburton Luxembourg Holdings S.à r.l. (Luxembourg)
Halliburton Luxembourg Intermediate S.à r.l. (Luxembourg)
Halliburton Norway Holdings C.V. (Netherlands)
Halliburton Operations Nigeria Limited (Nigeria)
Halliburton Overseas Limited (Cayman Islands)
Halliburton Partners Canada ULC (Canada, Alberta)
Halliburton Servicos Ltda. (Brazil)
Halliburton U.S. International Holdings, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton Worldwide GmbH (Switzerland)
HES Corporation (United States, Nevada)
HES Holding, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
HESI Holdings B.V. (Netherlands)
Kellogg Energy Services, Inc. (United States, Delaware)
Landmark Graphics Corporation (United States, Delaware)
Oilfield Telecommunications, LLC. (United States, Delaware)
Halliburton de Venezuela. (Venezuela, Maturin)

Texas Instruments

includes National Semiconductor

Waste Management

includes Waste Management Recycle America


List of subsidiaries may be viewed Here.

Occidental Petroleum

List of subsidiaries may be viewed Here.

American Airlines


Tenet Healthcare
Kimberley Clark
DR Horton
Baker Hughes
Plains GP Holdings
CBRB Group
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Enterprise Products Partners
Energy Transfer
Phillips 66
Dell Technologies


Conrad Black in the NP

The Nazi Post is once again hosting Conrad Black, a man who stopped being a racist in public while he was in jail in the US because he would have been shivved in the shower, and who promptly went back to his racist ways the instant he was released.

This is the first paragraph of his latest pixellated excretion.

Seven months into the Biden regime, the truism that dare not speak its name is now almost too obvious to bear stating. It was a catastrophic error to evict Donald Trump. No one, and certainly not I, would try to whitewash the stylistic infelicities of Donald Trump. He said many things that were toe-curlingly embarrassing coming from the holder of so great an office. But he proved in government as he had in the private sector that he was capable and forceful, and although he had the terrible handicap of personalizing everything and escalating all disagreements, he had a clear conception of domestic and foreign national interests and pursued them very successfully.

I was thinking that Donald Trump did everything possible to show that he was forceful AND incapable, but …. my opinion aside …. can you imagine shilling for Trump like this?

Shrub got the US into Afghanistan, when any sane military person would have said AW HELL NAW! The Afghans, who have hosted the best and worst of Islam (by which I mean Rumi and blowing up other people’s cultural treasures) over their history, have been happy to put empires on the ground, with a combination of local militias, intertribal arrangements, brutal geography, opium, and a really strong opposition to having foreign overlords using Afghanistan as a testing ground for military technology.

The fact that Conrad Black NOWHERE MENTIONS that Donald Trump’s lackeys handed the Taliban an enormous (and candidly treasonous) package of information, including the names and addresses of everyone who ever worked for the US, shows very clearly that this entire article is a narcissistic, aged capitalist wanting another even MORE narcissistic, aged capitalist to run the most dangerous country in the world. Nowhere does Mr. Butter Pat mention that they did this on Trump’s orders once he lost the election, so that the situation in Afghanistan would be IMPOSSIBLE for Joe Biden’s team to manage when the end came… an end Trump’s team precipitated. 

Such is the truly fellatial tone of this mangy screed, it’s hard not to wonder what the hell Trump has on Black. But it’s enough that he was powerful, I guess, and Black admires tyrants.

I close this rant with my assessment of this deranged fondness for Trump, as expressed by Dorothy Lamour’s quote, regarding Bing Crosby and Bob Hope: “There’s always a click when two heels meet.”

Ow ow wow

This is Rachel Maddow really enjoying the ruling regarding the referral for sanctions and disbarment for the 9 Trump lawyers who tried to get the Michigan presidential vote overturned and Trump restored to power. This was among the most pleasant news items I have encountered recently and it’s worth watching, for the sheer glorious untrammelled schadenfreude it will unleash in you.

later that day, around 6 pm, I add this link – Capitol Police Sue Trump

F*** around and find out!!!! I am enjoying this part.

Small shop & collapse

Well my brief burst of energy has imploded. I’m feeling small and tangled-up and misanthropic, but many things, including Buster’s training schedule, are exactly as they should be. But…. blueberry turnovers, for the first time, so that was tasty.

Slept from 9:30 pm to 6 am this morning! I am well rested but not energetic, what gives, body.

Heading to Victoria next week with some descendants, unless something hinders. Fingers crossed for a good visit.

This is for me mam.

Still LOVING “Wanted”, coming up on the end of the show, 3rd season.


OTTAWA — The Public Service Alliance of Canada president says he “will not stand for the termination” of federal public servants who refuse to get vaccinated, after Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau warned of “consequences” for those civil servants.

In an interview with CTV News, Chris Aylward said “it’s very concerning to us when national party leaders are making statements around discipline around terminations when it comes to these vaccinations. That is totally unacceptable to us.”

Aylward, who represents more than 160,000 federal public servants, stated that he supports the government’s stance that all federal public servants should be vaccinated. But he said unvaccinated employees will require accommodations to keep their jobs.

  • CTV News, from website 10;08 am PST 18 Aug 2021

An Alabama doctor is tired of helping people who refuse to protect themselves and others – so he’s no longer taking appointments with anti-vaxxers.

Mobile, Ala., physician Dr. Jason Valentine posted a photo on Facebook in which he’s seen standing in front of a sign that reads “Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19.”


AUG 17, 2021  5:23 PM
Today is the 40th anniversary of the day Paul and I went to housekeeping. I emailed him asking him if he wants to get takeout for lunch. His response was that he has appointments so we’ll do it tomorrow.
copyright Masato Mattori

I am not going to spend a lot of time yoinking your chain about Afghanistan. The politics of exploitation and colonization stretch into pre-history and I’m not a pro. Therefore I will stick with the present.

  1. If you have the money or donations in kind, please give generously to Afghan refugee and aid organizations in Canada or your jurisdiction. They are more clued in to what is going on and what is needed than I am and I’d rather give money to an Afghani woman in Canada, who will most intelligently disburse what she can to current refugees, than try to give a dime to international aid organizations, given the difficulties with freight at the moment. If your hope is lively donate directly to Afghan Red Crescent
  2. Please, if you have the stomach for it, read this: Stonekettle’s comments about Afghanistan.
  3. Please consider sponsoring or assisting in sponsoring a refugee, or asking your house of worship to sponsor someone. The one time I signed sponsorship papers for an individual it was the brother in law of a co-worker. I signed up for being financially responsible for him (as did another co-worker, who awesome as they are will remain nameless here) but never had to expend cash because he was working and self supporting two months after landing here (despite his considerable health problems, a consequence of the privations he endured as a refugee).

burgers and shakes

I am very much enjoying the diminution of the heat.

Listening to some of my fave music on Youtube this morning


I prefer the extended remix Shriekback. 

More ‘new wave’ – the Headboys Experiments

Owl and Cat and Catalonian rock and roll

And who could forget this Animusic classic. I must have played this a hundred times the year it came out.

Ah, Sloan…. the floaty guitar over the ominous bass, the restrained emotion of the video.  also the THIS AIN’T POLY IT’S CHEATING vibe



Emergency Management BC didn’t even try to CALL OR CONTACT the local Indigenous in Lytton and environs until 24 HOURS AFTER THE FUCKING FIRE WIPED OUT THE TOWN

fuck systemic racism, sincerely


we got Burger Heaven burgers and shakes yesterday


no song today

I’ll get my shit together later, or maybe tomorrow.

Lovely… and I mean absolutely life-affirming and beautiful …. walk in Fraser Foreshore yesterday. We took it easy and stopped at every bench to look at the trees and the water. SO MANY songbirds, the forest just rang with their voices.

Fed Paul homemade greek salad, the last of the garbanzo stew and homemade lemonade for lunch, also got a financial errand run.

Katie DROPPED BY AFTER WORK yesterday, I felt like a celebrity was stopping by. Love her so much. She’s just starting to show, she should be off work by Jeff’s birthday.

Live your life like this internet toddler:

Today is Juneteenth. Do not be fooled. As long as Black and racialized people are being shot, unjustly imprisoned and deported in such horrifying numbers in the US, it doesn’t matter what feel-good holidays are signed into law. It’s just more Martin Luther King Day: white people get the day off and Black people get to work two shifts, while the Republicans are doing everything possible to remove their voting rights.

Current political positions

  1. restoration of all Indigenous lands. I’d rather pay rent to the Indigenous than taxes to a colonial government
  2. Churchill was a brilliant leader and orator who was first and foremost a colonizing bastard with deep disrespect to many of the conquered peoples of the British Empire. He was responsible for the death by starvation of many Bengalis.
  3. The Israelis WANT to be on a permanent war footing with the Palestinians. They want this unequal battle to go on. They just bombed Gaza AGAIN. The Palestinians had their own land before the state of Israel came into being and they will have it again or die trying, it’s that simple
  4. Tim Horton coffee is better than McDonalds coffee.
  5. KFC has the best cheap poutine; Spud Shack the best high end.
  6. The Communist Party of China has way too much pull in Vancouver and all the cities and municipalities surrounding this and I also mean in Victoria.
  7. C19 did NOT start from a lab leak; and even if it can be proven that it did I am still impressed at the defence the Chinese mounted.
  8. I’m going to keep wearing masks.

Donald Trump’s month old blog scrubbed from internet – news

well I don’t have much going for me but I’ve managed to keep a blog running almost two hundred times longer than Donald Jerkwaddle Trump


And on a completely different subject, every time Disney does something really repellent, especially around gay people, I snark my ass off, because I have a bunch of hellagay friends who come within a c-hair of worshipping Disney and it’s just… so….wrong, but if I say something I’m peeing on someone’s fandom, etc so here’s me not making an ass of myself on social media but the five people who read this blog KNOW WHAT I THINK