my last public words on the subject

updated 25 nov


I told Jeff that watching Supernatural was like having an abusive boyfriend for 4 years (I only started watching late in 2016)

If I’m posting word counts in future it won’t be for fanfic.

Somebody made a canonical list of all the queer people that were killed in the show

I called it.

I was wrong about it being Jensen’s fault, but everything else I got right.

Happy endings are for chumps.

But hey, don’t take my word for it, the aggregators are speaking!:





a few little things

I have to mail a couple of letters this morning, but perhaps I’ll have written a couple more before I actually leave the house.

New Mandalorian episode, looking forward to that.

There’s going to be a Chinese language Miss Fisher set in Jazz Age Shanghai!!! I have seen the promo and it looks lovely, hope they keep the mood.

I’m feeling kind of low energy at the moment, so maybe instead of attacking my to do list I’m going to indulge in activities focussed on comfort, cleanliness and preparing for winter. (LONG BATH, SPA ACTIVITIES, NAPPING, SNACKING)



Tom’s coming home

How providential. Much labour from Peggy of course.

I have a master list of groceries and I just transferred six weeks of grocery lists over so the gaps were all filled in with … stuff that we eat in 2020 as opposed to the ramen and KD I was buying non stop 25 years ago….. Anyway, it was an interesting exercise, and I have to do it anyway, changing the list so there are no treats and fewer items which are now forbidden by the Congress of Kidneys, Liver, Pancreas and Digestive Tract.


two letters off today, a 2 pager off to Tom and a 2 pager off to mOm. Almost mailed my bank card off too, but

Paul has called wanting to go for a walk. I already mailed things and I’m enjoying a little patch of sun warming this corner of the world up so I’m resisting, resisting.

I wonder when Buster will scoot his ass across the kitchen rugs, now they’re nice and clean….


Tom’s back in hospital.

Yesterday I made a vegetarian dinner, ran and put away three loads of laundry, wrote 2400 words on a fanfic that I said was going to get shorter, practiced and didn’t nap. This resulted in me going to bed so early that I had to set my alarm to ensure that I didn’t sleep through taking my pill.

William Gillis on twitter this am:

Fascists don’t see nature as motherly and cities as masculine. They see nature as masculine (“red in the tooth & claw”, a return to savagery when men were men, etc), and cities as feminine (a degenerate, passive, overly complex focus on talking & mentality rather than action).



and now tea, Holy Crap cereal, and a little bit of an existential tremor as I contemplate how so many things can go wrong at once

not in my life, which remains delightfully quiet

two more days and I get to watch the Supernatural finale – I don’t know what to hope for and I’m staying as passive as I can about it. As I remarked to NorthernSparrow, we’ll always have fanfic.