Yes, there was an election. No, it isn’t settled. Even if the worst happens, the world survived before, and it will keep surviving. My story isn’t done, neither is yours.
This is a long boring text-heavy oversharing post, ya been told.
Yes, there was an election. No, it isn’t settled. Even if the worst happens, the world survived before, and it will keep surviving. My story isn’t done, neither is yours.
This is a long boring text-heavy oversharing post, ya been told.
He sailed through the surgery. He’s COMING HOME THIS WEEK.
words don’t cover how heartened by this I am
Tom had his surgery Friday and is recovering. His admirers are thinking good thoughts while we await his return to his usual brisk grumpiness.
This is the sign in the Pinball Hall of Fame in Vegas.
TFW you want to boast on social media about a gaming accomplishment — but the real point is that it would be virtually impossible for someone with early onset dementia to do what you just did. I broke 5 minutes, I broke 5 minutes AND took 20 seconds off my most recent record. yay Sherlock, my favourite puzzle game for MORE THAN 30 YEARS.
I was supposed to write somebody a letter today…. I’m going to clutch the negligibly small sore spot on my flu shot arm and plead that all I want to do today is vote. Also, there are leftovers, I got mild peri sauce Barcelo chicken yesterday and I found it absolutely delicious.
Various physical signs in my body indicate that my liver is much happier with me eating less carbs and sugar. I still don’t have any way to check my blood sugar. A diabetic friend is really happy with her implant (she’s lost weight in a healthy way, she has needle-like accuracy on her sugars) but I’m hoping to turn the boat around still, so we’ll see.
I reviewed my schedule of habits to develop and I think for the next week I’m going to concentrate on drinking enough water. So every time the clock shows a multiple of three, I should drink a third of a litre of water at minimum, and make less than half my daily liquid consumption tea. Let’s see if I can get this habit established! I’m very well established with an evening routine, so I’m happy about that, and I’ve also stopped looking at the computer at bedtime, which means sleep starts faster and I’m not doomscrolling right before bed.
In the morning, the wifi doesn’t talk to my laptop from 4 am to 7 am. I get much more done in terms of writing, editing and letter writing now during that period since I’m not making myself unpleasant on twitter the entire time. That’s usually the time I mail the letter, if I leave the house for that purpose.
Murder hornet found in BC. How jolly.
Okay I’ll be thinking about this one for a while:
text accompanying a ‘Lower Decks’ graphic: Star Fleet Academy should not be in SF. There’s no canonical indication that the land was ever returned and military school on stolen land is a military occupation.
A ratrunner is someone who drives around too fast late at night. Because of the orientation of my bedroom window – faces west – I’m listening to the ratrunners on Kingsway. Sometimes it’s a Kawasaki or similar, blasting down the hill at what sounds, from the wound up noise, like they’re doing about a ton and a bit. There are lots of crosswalks and the roadway isn’t straight, and it’s just a terrible idea.
Anyway, they were out last night, and they are usually worse on weekends.
Despite it all, I practiced good sleep hygiene. Instead of playing on my computer or brO’s phone, I did my evening routine and then slept. Woke up at 3 on the nose, so that’s 7 hours of sleep, and I only woke up to roll over and curse the ratrunners.
@see_starling on twitter made this over four years:
Looks like a sixer’s favourite blankee!
Another fic came into my mind almost as soon as the last one was done. This one will be about the quarantine, and snow.
And, from Cory Doctorow, and who knows where besides, Kate Bush as a bat in 1978:
and isn’t the costume the sweetest hoot I looked for 20 minutes on the internet for a photo credit and gave up, fuck you uncaring universe, I try to give credit but the internet has eaten the attribution just as surely as names wear off headstones
It’s actinic keratosis, and the fiddly bit is just the tendon underneath it. That’s that then. Next doc visit later this month.
Windy like a son of a gun, 85000 people without power along the south coast apparently. The sun just came out briefly and if this forecast is accurate that’s the last we’ll see of it until Saturday!
Watched first half of Legend of Tomiris, and it’s incredibly cheesy and totally awesome, I’m loving it. We’ll watch the rest of it tomorrow.
I put a lot of personal stuff in this paragraph and I backspaced over it.
I can’t find an @finuccinialfredo on social media, but that’s who’s credited.
I sure could do with seeing or hearing from little Alex today.
Having a lot of trouble seeing at the moment so I’ll be back with more after I get a little more sleep. Could have predicted this, I ate rather a lot of pork yesterday and that along with chocolate and barometric wackiness oft sends me to the land of the megrim.
I learn of a mobile Irish pub AFTER I quit drinking?
@dynamofire on twitter just bought this awesome monster cardigan
PICTURED is Toxic Positivity vs support and validation from The Minds Journal
Shown above text comes from MindJournal
How to make Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin in your body….
Tom’s in hospital. He’s on his cell phone though, so it’s not like he’s incommunicado or currently dying. Glad I called Peggy and learned these tidings, which I communicated to the Keith for their household.
word count on fic 15466
graphic shows sonic the hedgehog’s two eyes gradually growing together to form a single huge eyeball
current mood
shown is a lightly smirking woman, having won a beaver handling contest I’D FUCKING SMIRK TOO not that I’d ever have her simply incandescent skill set.
@zhaabowekwe posted this, saying that she’s still badass and one of the most fluent Anishinaabemowin speakers
It’s dropped 20 points since 1 am (now 145 LATER AT 8:30 AM UP PAST 160 AGAIN), and should get within kissing distance of normal – under 40 – sometime by Friday.
Buster has been extremely variable about wanting to train. Some mornings he’s all over it, but the last couple of mornings he wants to just be handed treats, so I cut short the training this am after one treat and we’ll try again in the early afternoon. This morning first he huffed training and then he begged for it and we got three paw claps and a jump and chase and a run and chase in.
My experiment, stealing a cushion off one of the downstairs sofas and using it for a backboard, is a success – however finding a replacement pillow even at places like Bed Bath and Beyond that are supposed to specialize in shit like this has proven rather difficult. I will ask Paul to assist with cushion shopping today, then I can put the danged cushion back.
Jeff took me to breakfast at IHOP yesterday and I just ate what was left of the leftovers. We had the leftover sushi for supper last night as the folks kindly shared out leftovers from Paul’s bday.
Doctor’s office phoned me saying they wanted to schedule ‘a medical review with an RN’ and I told them to go fuck themselves until after the 22nd when I (hopefully) get my glucose tolerance test. What the hell is wrong with these people? Why do a medical review when the single most important piece of test data isn’t available? Anyway, I wasn’t as rude as I sound but I took no shit, I assure you.
The hot stone massage at Head to Toes day spa with Pauline was AMAZING, I’m still feeling comfort right into my bones. I may book another one next month just to have something to look forward to. But I suppose I should probably wait at least that long to ensure I neither caught nor brought anything.
Review of day:
Didn’t drink enough water yesterday. It needs to be less than half tea, my liquid consumption. Did practice x 3 instruments; did walk 1.5 k, did empty the sink and fill the dishwasher; did not meditate or take my bp and pulseox; I did not work on a manuscript; I did take my pill and brush my hair and teeth; I did my shoulder exercises. No laundry yesterday or today; no osteofit, no dejunking yesterday.
We ordered from L.A. Sushi, and it was really good, and we all broke up into smaller conversational groups, Katie and Keith and Paul and Jeff and I, and we marvelled that I bought a 70th birthday party card for Paul 6 months early, and then forgot to give it to him, and then dropped it on the ground outside his apartment yesterday so he almost didn’t get it AGAIN, but Jeff fetched it. Then I told him I hadn’t signed it and he’d have to sign it himself just to prove receipt and he got a good laugh out of that.
Earlier I had a panic attack at the Pier (the smell from the creosote after I took the N95 mask off literally made me hyperventilate – I didn’t learn until AFTER we left that the fucking pier is STILL ON FIRE and will remain so until the last of the creosote is burned) and ran away from Paul (because I needed to get home and he wouldn’t get in the car because he’d run into a friend on the street) and took a cab home, but I managed to calm down enough to go back out again for supper, and I’m glad I did because Alex was delightful playing Minecraft and it was really really really good to see the kids. I bought beer and drank a lot and guess what, no bad result today.
Massage this afternoon. I know it’s crazy, but if somebody doesn’t touch me I’m going to die, so wish me luck and I’ll have my best masks with me.
It’s been really shitty around here, but I feel a bit better today and the AQI is down under 160 for the first time in a week. The sky is SO OPPRESSIVE – it’s just horrible. Even so Jeff is helping things stay on an even keel, and we try to get out to get a little sun.
There’s a little more visibility, but we’re wrapped in a grey blanket of smoke and dirt. LATER… 170 is the AQI, my head is starting to hurt again, and damn I do not want to leave the house.
nothing on the fic today
Later, it was a lovely massage, and I stayed masked the whole time.
Someone really useful on twitter just blocked me because I ‘sexualized their feed’ well THEY WERE THE ONE TALKING ABOUT SLOPPING DOWN FORTY GALLONS OF HUMMUS lands’ sakes. That has nothing to do with this:
Wikipedia editor MN070 is responsible for this gem, which has probably already been edited back out, but isn’t it a sweetie? someone with a lot of neck in Irish slang is a chancer, someone with a lot of nerve, who takes liberties….
So I walked 3.8 k today! Got my meds straightened out, and they had everything ready for me, AND THEN PEGGY DELIVERED PIE
¿what’s wrong with life? nothing’s wrong. I owe her biscotti, big time.
ok my knees hurt, but not that much.
Honestly, even though he posts lots of other interesting stuff, the bedrock reason I follow @TheTattooedProf (Kevin Gannon) is because of this darned cute little dog Lulu, the little dog of a mutt&jeff pair. (The other dog is Huge.) The expression on this dog’s face when the smoker is going (MEETS BOX?? MEETS BOX!!) is very funny; they well know that smell is associated with excellently yummy meat.